Lifetime Movies 2023 #LMN – NEW African American Movies | Based On True Story 2023 #031

Lifetime Movies 2023 #LMN – NEW African American Movies | Based On True Story 2023 #031.


  1. When you have a kid or kids with someone, choose to be there whole heartedly or don't,keep your ego n nonsense aside when you choose to be present,we all have a crosses to carry,if your stupid ego wont allow you to be a good parent,its better to walk away than put an innocent life lifes in havoc, you're doing more harm than good.

  2. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate you sharing the movies but why in heaven’s name do you always take the sound out at the end of the movie. I understand that you don’t want the copyright strike but goodness it’s like wasting time watching a movie and not see the end.

  3. Is so frustrated watching a movie and out of nowhere there is no sound.
    Is like you’re into the movie, but not worth it keep watching it if there’s no sound you don’t understand. What’s the point of watching it


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