Lifetime Movies 2023 – Based On A True Story #LMN Obsessed #vplmn.


  1. Gee!! For a stand up comedian, she really sucked. She practically had no material.😆. Luckily it's just a movie and not her actual career.

  2. Hello Stuart! What a powerful declaration Isaiah 44:6 by our God. Absolutely wonderful! And to him alone be all the glory, honour, thanks, and praise. Remember, we have to go through much to be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. And if the tribulation comes your way, namely the terrible persecution, stand firm in the faith. No matter what happens. We are going home, and Jesus to whom l belong for ever, is coming again. Loving you all. God bless you Stuart and thank you for keeping the volume up!!! I love having fellowship with you. Warm hugs!

  3. Wait, do girls in today’s professional world throw drinks on boys??? That is so unprofessional (ill mannered). And boys should stop being dumb and watch what you say. Have etiquette !!!

  4. How about do not kiss a guy you want to ''take it slow'' with you lame girl. Cheaping herself and so did the girl who aborted bcz she could just tell the guy she is with and leave him. Clearly she does not want a kid with him or at all. Sooo.

  5. We just finished watching the movie, and we enjoyed it. It's really difficult to trust anyone in general, because it's hard to tell whether a person is real or just reel. The creepy thing about this movie was when Robert (the caretaker) always had access to her room anytime he wants to see Alyssa (the new tenant). Her life in that room was literally an open-book!

  6. The movie is boring.. It's a little naive that she doesn't find that man's behavior strange, especially since she knew that a tragedy happened with the last tenant!!!And that gun, and then the woman chasing her all over the world!!!A bit too much for my taste..The only thing I can say is that the main actress is so similar to my childhood friend who has been living in Rome, Italy for 30 years!!! They are very similar except that she is my my friend is much taller and thinner and has red hair..But the facial features are very similar!!!Greetings from Zagreb, Croatia!!!🌬️🌀🌌🙏


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