A movie produced by the Flaming sword Ministries in conjunction with The Mount Zion Faith Ministries. Written by Damilola Mike …


  1. ur story lines are soo good…. i think if its written as novels tooo… it could be sooo good for we the lovers of Africa novels and transform us in God's way toooo…….

    am blessed by ur movies everytime

  2. Ooh my Lord…. what a blessing for this…. hallelujah we need the fire.. I need this fire that Burns more then the other fire…the fire that quench other fires…. for my family…my friends…n there marriages

  3. The word of God says to render evil with good. True forgiveness was exemplified at the most painful moments. What is impossible with men is possible with God. This movie exhibited these lessons founded in the word of God. I was truly blessed ?


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