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  1. 3:31 when Brenda claims that universal health care has everything to do with Jesus. she needs to understand that Christ would have never used the channel of government to distribute wealth, in that it forcefully takes from others, which is essentially what universal health care is. it has nothing to do with Christ. not only that, but people would start to receive treatment with less quality and they'd have to wait in lines longer to even be treated. this is what happens when you try to make Christ's world into a utopia.

  2. Revelation 22:11
    He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

    The identity politics with the gay black guys are absolutely getting under my skin. It's because of them I never correct anyone anymore.

  3. I enjoy the diversity of the Christian sects, opinions aside, and the intended handling of Jubilee for orchestrating the meeting and conversation.
    Both sides of the aisle will die and meet with Christ on the day of judgment. As for the gospel, I can say that whichever side you hold to, dust off your feet and move onto the next person who needs to hear.

  4. My question is which version of the Bible do these people read? Because there are so many versions throughout history that have been written to push propaganda that has to do with who was in power at the time. I find it impossible to be so faithful in something that has changed so drastically throughout history and find it impossible to believe in something that in one breath says everybody is welcome into heaven and then in the next day except this vast swath of individuals living on this earth.

  5. I’m confused… the asian dude was like “the gospel this… you’re twisting the gospel that” but the gospel never mentioned anything they spoke of here. They based their judgement on homosexuality on the epistles, specifically Paul who never even met Jesus in real life.

  6. There are things that are right and things that are wrong . Rock on black dude with leather jacket !!!! Most of the people in that meeting want to make everything conform to there sexual desires , and that’s not how we are supposed to live.

  7. Everyone is talking about how lovely Brenda is, and she is lovely and gracious. But being lovely and gracious does not mean what she is saying is truth. Alot of her views are heretical and even blasphemous.

  8. The church can soften up and accept being a thief and see that a thief is a nice soothing person, so it looks holy. That’s the same that the church should do the same for a homosexual

  9. Hate to say it but the ONLY person that was philosophically consistent was Curt. I’m not a fan of religion, In fact I think it’s dangerous however, be consistent. You either believe all of it or none of it and Curt is at the very least consistent. He won this for me even though I don’t even agree with him


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