Let There Be Light (2017) | Full Drama Movie | Kevin Sorbo | Sam Sorbo

For all his far-reaching fame, Sol Harkens, the world’s most famous atheist, is a lonely soul and a lousy part-time dad. After a near …


  1. WOW, WOW! What she explain those kids, before she went to sleep, we all have a sparkle of GOD in us, genesis said we are his creation, the sparkle of GOD it’s our Soul, and that soul has to go back to him, because it’s part of him. What it’s mean to me, nature has life, like animals, good and bad people, and he loves us with our goods and defect, when we are looking to each other’s, and his creation we all should be looking at God, we all should be saying how good he is, not that he’s going throw us in hell or no giving chances to his kids! The soul of every man, woman and child, is part of GOD!

  2. Great movie,.but wrong days Baptising, no sprinkling of water, but true Baptian is by full emerging in water, re – Jesus death,…in the burial, & His miraculous resurrection & the only person, who has risen from the grave, other than the small group that God resurrected, from God & this trail,…that ascended , on high, went & gathered into the city,…Lazarus was raised by Jesus,….after, from 4.days, of being dead, It isn't recorded that Lazerus,…saw anything, of heaven or he'll.

    My brother died for 3.minutes on an operating table,…he reported that he saw nothing,…& not everyone sees these things,…now I know my Bible tells me, that, they that go downt to the grave, Praise not God,….many other scriptures, there are to back this up,…sadly my eldest nephew saw himself,…floating above the theater bed,…he, was a very heavily depressed young man,… he committed suicide,…he, wanted out of this world,…his mind cudnt accept, why his life,…wud never be what, he expected it to be,…his, mum my late, eldest sister,…never knew, wot his backward state to learn,….the basics of school education, there,…was no psychology in the 60.s,…
    I'd, God can allow certain things gs for people who are struggling, in life,…however,…God's word tells me no, one 1⃣ has seen God @ anyone one one time, Jesus tells us He refers to death,…as a sleep, & that even,…in the book of Job,…& Eclessiasties, that tells us that the dead,…goes back to there house when the die,…it is true, that there is a neuro- logical answer, to these supposedly, death experiences,…I pray that God will be your answer,…to this,…as my Bible tells me that, Jesus tells us there are 2 resurrection of the dead, 1st @ Jesus 2nd comming to all true believers in Him, will, arise from their graves, & will ascended to heaven @ the 1st resurrection, wen Jesus appears in all His Glory,…{1st Thessaloians, 4 : 13 – 18}, this is, is soo,…very crystal clear, to me,…if it doesn't to you people, call upon God, & ask of Him, He has revealed much, falsehood, to me of wot I've been taught, He revealed to me,…one Sunday night,…wen I was only home,…I got down on my knees, & asked Him about speaking in tongues is really all about, as I discerned something wasn't right,…I got down on my knees & I asked Him,…& as like an Audible Voice came to me, from Heaven, I was told to re – read the second chapter of The book of Acts,…& I, soo did,…backed by all other scripture, of the true, speaking in tongues,…from satans counterfeit, I, recanted of even to all other things truth about "Christmas Day," …& "Easter," also the true day of worship & rest from all our menial tasks of work,…by as today is my Sabbath Day, The true Lord's Day, being of wot God made in creation week,…Day 1. Is Sunday, God never named the days of the week, but numbered them,…the 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, — & He Blessed the 7th Day which is Saturday not Sunday, as some people are going along with wot Rome had done in the, time of Constantine naming the days of the week,…which were adopted by Rome from the Greek god's & Goddesses,…many true early Christians that were called,…The Children Of The Way, were put to death, wen they wudnt bow down to the roman gods, of the day of the Sun,…God was ever angry in the bible wen even Israel, turned their backs on the temple to the east of the rising sun, & worshiped the sun – god Semiramis & her son Tamuz, & the many other pagan gods, of this world.

    Very moving movie,…I'd encourage you who read my comment to be a fact checker, to the truth,…I pray thee,…& Amen !!!,…to this, I pray.

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  4. Christmas it’s a false doctrine,Yeshua never born in 25 of Déc.🥺- The baptism Time is important ,by immersion not pour water on head . You Die in Christ and resurection in Christ. I likeKevin Sorbo but there is so en false doctrine in the movie.

  5. Please continue making these high quality movies for Jesus! Many out there but poorly made, non-actors playing the roles. God's movies should be the best! Thank you, please make more of these!

  6. let there be light for all man JESUS is the light of the world! when we die we are in the light of his presses home with our Lord blessed all of you peace strength love health you all love Canada

  7. Great move, sorry to see so many folks hung up on Christmas and the baptism….. we all know Jesus wasn’t born on the 25th December and baptism does not save you, believing and trusting in the works of Christ is your only salvation.

  8. I don’t understand how Christians today still say that Christmas is the day Jesus was born. We know clearly from the bible it wasn’t. We also know that it was pagan festival when they sacrificed babies born 9 months after the pagan festival Easter (from the god Ishtar) where they had orgies for their god. It’s strange that so many Christians still don’t have accurate knowledge of the Bible. It’s sad, because there are many good people out there who are going about blindly not seeking the accurate knowledge of Truth in the Bible. The immortality of the soul. The Trinitarian doctrine. Hell…these are just a few things many Christians need to look into again deeply to see what the Bible actually teaches. John 17:3.

  9. very baptist theology. God doesnt give illness but heals it, if you have faith, if you beleive! but if you beleive that God gives you illness and wills you to die, than that s what you re going to get, according to your faith. but that s not victorious Christian living!Jesus said: “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain (obstacle) to throw itself into the sea, and it will be so.” too much wrong theology in the church! also that comparison with Christmas day… most non beleivers know by now it s a man made date, we dont know when Jesus was born. but ok, we can choose to celebrate it on any day, I concede. Baptists should read their Bible, “ we shall speak in other tongues amd we shall lay hands on people and they shall be healed” and “ by his stripes I have been healed”! regarding the movie, debates always look more professional than that, so that looked like a joke, though Kevin Sorbo is an excellent actor always. and yes, listen to andrew wommack ministries, you unbeleiving beleivers out there.

  10. Today as you entered the auditorium of the church you were given a prayer request card

    along with the weekly hand-outs.

    Also in the church's auditorium there were tables set up in the auditorium tables

    were prayer request cards and ink pens.

    What you needed to do is write down your prayer request with the option to

    sign it.

    Before singing of the last song the pastor told everyone to fill out the prayer

    request from their seats. He said during the singing everyone is to bring their

    prayer request to one of the tables, lay it down and pick up someone elsa's

    prayer card. During that week pray for that person's prayer requests.

    I thought that was a novel idea.

  11. So he's a persecutor of Christ and his name is Sol (Saul). Then he gets born again and spreads the light of Christ to the world. His name should have been changed to Paul! When he died they should have had Jesus appear to him and ask "Sol, Sol, why do you persecute me?"
    Nice easter egg of his face in a postor with the name HERCULES along the bottom.😉 This was a great movie! Thanks for the upload!❤


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