Left Behind: The Movie (2000) | Full Movie | Kirk Cameron | Brad Johnson | Chelsea Noble

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  1. in 1:12:22 this pastor i think it is T.D Jakes but he is a false prophet, i doubt he will be raptured, unless he repent, but i dont think he will do it, so im dissapointed if this is this pastor that they represent him as a righteous man which he is not,other things in the film that i dont like is maybe the mark of the beast,the mark of the beast is a microchip,nanobots(tiny microchips), graphene oxide, quantum tattoo, and the thing that now they want the people to take remember (it's considered as a medication for covid)

  2. Rapture more PROOF: PRETRIB

    Revelation 3:10 – (before tribulation)

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (meet the Lord in the air)

    John 14:3 “.. I will come again…”

    Acts 1:11 …”will come back in the same way you saw him go [on a cloud; Luke 21:27].”

    2 Thessalonians 3:5 Early translation:“ the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient

    waiting for Christ.” As Modern translations ex:NIV are often skewed, don’t want you to know about this event.

    Zephaniah 2:3 …”Perhaps you will be hidden [and pardoned and rescued] In the day of the LORD’S anger.”

    Matthew 24:22 – (conduct your own research, this implies there are abominations everywhere.)

    Matthew 24:30 (written before Church was born, “elect’ reference. “elect “ refers to believers.)

    Matthew 24:27- For those left behind good luck not blinking, this refers to visibility as fast as lightning, 1/1000 of a second or roughly 670,616,629 miles per hour. Lightning across the whole sky east to west.

    Luke 21:35-36 …”Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”

    Proverbs 1:33 …”But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil.”

    Matthew-Chapter-24:37-39 ( this will surprise even Christians as everything will be “seemingly” normal”…)

    …“For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,”…

    …“And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

    Isaiah 43:5…” “Fear not, for I am with thee; I will bring thy seed from the east and gather thee from the west;”

  3. This is the 1st left behind movie in which the main characters don't save the day like superman and 'reset' things. Instead the speak the facts that the world is just going to get worst and worse after the rapture.

  4. It is beyond frightening that there are real life people dumb enough to think this will really happen. Truly I'm afraid to be living on the same planet as these people.

  5. While I enjoy it as fiction, I have issue with how Left Behind has created such a following that can people believe in a "pre-tribulation" rapture. The Bible doesn't support it, buti also find most who believe in a pre tribulation rapture haven't studied, or have taken just a few verses and ran with it.

    I used to believe pre trib myself, until I heard other arguments and became confused. I decided to study to see what the Word says, without forcing it to reinforce any ideas I had before.

    The restrainer is Archangel Michael. Most say it's the church or holy spirit, but there is no verse saying such a thing. Matthew 24 is known for mentioning the "great tribulation/distress", and that can also be found at the start of Daniel 12. The church or holy spirit is given no context or relation with it.

    In Daniel 12, it starts off saying Michael will rise, and then the time of great tribulation will begin. People insert the church or holy spirit where it isn't mentioned, where in fact, we are given the answer/name itself.

    Another issue is "We are not appointed to God's wrath", but christians appear to assume the entire 7 years, or even just the mid point, are His wrath.

    Revelation 12 reveals the war in heaven involving Michael and Satan. Satan is defeated and thrown to earth. This is symbolically also mentioned as a "3rd of the stars fell" at the 6th Seal (Revelation 6). After failing to "drown" the woman (144000) with a "flood" from it's mouth, Satan turns to the remnant (the church/the rest of Israel/Grafted in gentiles) and unleashes his wrath.

    God's wrath, literally given a chapter and literally called the "Bowls/Vials" is at the end. Seals, Trumpets, Bowls. At the "last trump/trumpet (depending what translation you read the words may differ slightly)" is where the "rapture" occurs, which is before God's wrath, hence we are not appointed to His Bowls of Wrath.

    Granted, "rapture" isn't found in the Bible as a word, but because it's the most well known term used in association with the event and subject as a whole, I use it so others understand me.

    "Jacobs trouble is for Israel" all believers are Israel, as we are all one in Christ. While the 144000 are presented as first fruits, being the tribes, the saints are us, keeping the commandments and testimony of Jesus.

    "As in the days of Noah"
    Noah's family was saved from the flood, while the wicked were taken away by it.

    Hence the notion of "Left Behind" is ironic and reversed. Being left behind is being here when the wicked have been removed, as we inherit the kingdom.

    "God will keep us from the hour of trial/temptation"
    "Keeping" doesn't mean "taken away" or anything to do with the idea of being raptured. It means to be preserved or retained (look it up in Hebrew if you want). If you give me your jacket for a moment, I hold onto or keep your jacket.

    Just as we are to hold onto God, God will in turn hold onto us. Tribulation is meant to "try the saints" or as I call it "making coal into a diamond for Christ", that be going through pressure, we may become diamonds, confident in our faith that no doubt may be found in us when faced with torture and death itself.

    "The church isn't mentioned after chapter 4 so we obviously aren't here."
    Other than finding that to be a poor argument, if you read about the churches, you may notice how they refer to events happening during tribulation. If you don't see the church and assume the rapture took place and choose not to read the rest of Revelation, you'll miss out on a lot.

    Why does any of this matter?

    Believing we will be raptured away means thinking we won't be here for the Antichrist or Mark. Given the magnitude of how terrible and ultimate the Mark is, the Mark will show up, and many will take it. Either by believing the Antichrist and his story, or by waiting for a rapture before the "bad stuff", so it can't possibly be the Mark, because "I'm still here".

    The Bible is clear about the consequences of the Mark. Covid has given forth a reason to provide a "vaccine" (many but for this I'll use it interchangeably). While many argue about the vaccine being the Mark (given how many were told to take it to keep their job, to enter businesses, etc ), the greatest concern is how many believers, whether or not it is, got it anyway.

    I'm not saying it's the Mark, I'm saying it at least resembles the requirements the Mark is said to have, and many believers got it despite this.

    Left Behind is enjoyable as a book series and movie, but it shouldn't substitute or be the base of biblical knowledge. The very phrase "Left Behind" has become so synonymous with a rapture before tribulation, people base their idea of the End times on something that's literally fiction. Is it inspired by the Bible? Yes. Is it accurate it how it presents the rapture? (as the base event for the rest?) No.

    You may still choose to believe pre trib, I just ask that you study the Word (Revelation, Daniel, Thessalonians, etc.) for what the Word says, and not insert ideas, assume ideas, or allow any preconceived biased or beliefs to alter what the Word says.

    Again, I used to believe in pre trib because I grew up hearing only that stance, I didn't even know mid trip or post trib was a thing. It's the most popular and common stance taught. Only when I studied for myself and without trying to make it say what I initially believed did I find out what I shared.

    As the world becomes more like the New World Order, I suspect more may search this video up and see my comment.

    I just hope this promoted studying to "show yourself approved" and doesn't invoke the hate and accusations I get so often for "challenging" the church status quo on this subject.

  6. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 – Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition

    Matthew 24:28-29- Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

    30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory

  7. There's no 7 yrs tribulation and no rapture, please read your bible carefully people , it says a prophecy from Daniel and Revelation, ask the holy spirit to show the true meaning of bible verses


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