Left Behind Full Movie End Times Last Days Final Hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W_TAx4r0cw France Stabbings …


  1. December 2021 Update U2B back on twitter follow @ https://twitter.com/BeHeavenbound

    U2Bheavenbound twitter terminated 34k followers on 1/8/21

    U2Bheavenbound channel 154k subscribers https://www.youtube.com/u2bheavenbound 11/19/21 Strike 1 stating medical misinformation on video on Austria unvaccinated lockdown – FALSE claim appealed (11/21/21 Appeal Accepted here is video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5X-giFvDSE )

    on 10/17/21 this U2Bheavenbound channel youtube.com/u2bheavenbound reinstated after being terminated for 4 months 2 weeks – U2Bheavenbound youtube first video on 12/26/2012 & online U2Bheavenbound presence 307k+ followers – All this with social media networks shadow banning ETC 2021 major enforced liberal censorship taking down Conservative Values TRUTH voices such as 45 President Trump is under attack on liberal social media networks 6/3/2021 Youtube terminated U2Bheavenbound 154k+ subscribers 4k videos GONE (10/17/21 reinstated) & UtooBheavenbound terminated by youtube on 6/2/2021 + U2bheavenbound 34k followers twitter terminated on 1/8/21 Lets stay connected Go to U2B Channels Subscribe/Follow @ https://gettr.com/user/u2bheavenbound https://www.youtube.com/u2seektruth https://www.youtube.com/u2go2heaven https://www.facebook.com/u2bheavenbound https://gab.com/u2bheavenbound https://www.bitchute.com/channel/u2bheavenbound https://www.brighteon.com/channels/u2bheavenbound https://mewe.com/i/u2bheavenbound https://parler.com/#/user/U2bheavenbound https://ugetube.com/@U2Bheavenbound https://www.pinterest.com/u2bheavenbound YouMaker @ https://url.cafe/U2Bheavenbound https://rumble.com/user/U2Bheavenbound


  2. Jesus said: "Look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draws near"! ⬆️🕴 "All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me, and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out", John 6:37🙏

  3. There are a lot of movies about the rapture. I thought I'd seen them all, but today I found this one and really enjoyed it. Good job! Jesus is coming soon for those who are His and who believe in the rapture (from the Latin word rapturos, or something like that). So, yes, the word "rapture" IS in the Bible, in the Latin translation, that is.

  4. This is going to happen soon thats why they are talking bout aliens a lot more cause they will say aliens took them. Just repent n believe in Jesus n be nice to people even they are butt heads cause that’s what Jesus would want u to do.

  5. (To whoever reads this 😂) Hello, I hope you are doing well! I hope you understand how much you are loved, cared for and valued. God loves you so much, beyond what we can comprehend. He loves you so much he gave his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for you and your sin. Christ paid the price for those who accept him as Lord and savior. If you want to accept him as Lord over your life you must “…declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ‭‭(Romans‬ ‭10:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬) and you must Repent!!! Repenting is asking for the forgiveness of yours sins and changing your mind and heart. Doing your best to not give into the temptation that lead to that sin or any sin. Have a blessed day, hope this helped❤️❤️❤️

  6. Now is the time to get right with the Lord don’t wait the rapture can happen any moment, you just want to ready the Lord is grace adding more time because his love for us he not willing that any perish but come to salvation.

  7. Watching this in 2022,and it brought me to tears with all that is taking place right now. We are in End Times, Christ Jesus King of Kings is at the door Brothers and Sisters, he IS coming for his Bride! have your oil lamps ready! Father God may we be found worthy! MAY GOD'S GRACE AND MERCY BE UPON US ALL 🙏 GLORY TO GOD THE MOST HIGH! HALLELUJAH 👑 🙏 🤲 🙌💜🤍

  8. I want to get right with the lord but i have alot of bad energy around me , i wanna learn about him more and everything i just need prayer guys i need to be saved !

  9. I need god 'l will turn from sin, and l'll will serve faithfully and be with the kingdom of God.
    may all Amy's illnesses be healed let's ask God to heal the sick and forgive them, for their sins. amen

  10. Gods word will be fulfilled and the rapture will take place .God said in his word , no man knows the day or the hour but in hour that the rapture will take place. He gave us the signs to look for , to know that the time is near .🙏

  11. Please accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to make sure your souls will always be with Jesus and let's be real and put your big pants on Salvation through Jesus Christ is your only way to Heaven from Hell. This is a free gift from God the Father to Humanity through his Son Jesus Christ to save from ours sins because God is Holy and perfect and mankind is sinful you must repent of your sins and be Baptized in Jesus Christ name I pray people will always choose Jesus Christ the loving shepherd and nothing can get you out of the shepherds hands for eternity we will be in paradise for eternity in with no sin or evil in perfect spiritual bodies because God is a spirit. 🙏🙏 🙏

  12. There will be a second rapture ca 3 month later, to give hypocrites, the ones to whom Jesus will say I KNOW YOU NOT, a chance to repent and start living by Gods law, the 10 commantments, and start praying to GOD ONLY, not Gods or prophets…
    JESUS left us 'THE OUR FATHER' for that reason…not 'the our Jesus'

  13. For those who are not born again Christians please pray this short & simple prayer with a sincere & honest heart only, Come into my heart Lord Jesus, & wash my sins away, thank you Lord for saving me amen.

  14. Sometimes im feels so burned with my life many problemsn and depretions and suffering worrie scare but after i watch and listen to this story its remind me that theres is nothing lasts forever in this earth world so step by step i can se and feells peace and a little bit more calm even feels scared too 🙏✝️💖


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