Lecrae, Momentum Youth Conference 2019

Lecrae Moore spoke at Momentum 2019 on being fixed on Jesus. Summary: God defines us, not our past or other people.


  1. Amazing sermon. "I just wanna be like you, walk and talk and even think like you, the only one I could look to, you teaching me to be just like you, I just gotta be like,I just gotta be like you" – +Lecrae

  2. We need demonstrations of the holy Spirit. Healing, deliverance and miracles. Enough of this motivational speaking. We are living in the darkest hour. This generation needs to see the manifest power of God. This generation is chasing spiritual powers and darkness and yet the church is powerless

  3. THRIVE! 
    Don't just survive. We have God on our side.
    Don't hang in there but move forward!
    For He is our God and is fighting the enemies… 
    standing before us.
    We shall fear no one!

  4. PLEASE if anyone senses the deadness of the institutional church system but can't put your finger on it. I'm literally pleading with you (whoever you are) to understand something extremely important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God. The Protestant churches are what the bible calls "The Harlot daughters of Rome". (Rev 17:5) – "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth." 

    And Jesus Christ is calling His people out.

    Rev 18:4
    “And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:” 

    The very first thing you need to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you don’t need men to teach you.

    1 John 2:27
    “But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”

    It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact! There is still an every word testimony with us.
    The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of His promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, Matt 4:4.
    It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it!

    The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the so called "Christian bookstores".  Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path)  The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out.

    I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, …maybe something would give. But nothing did. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time asked me to “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short – my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (Powerless)
    It was only recently that the Lord truly showed up in a powerful way and began leading me in the trueth.
    I really hope this reaches someone. If this is you… honestly, please go ahead and look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. But I got trapped in the institutional church system like so many others and was stuck there for years being taught corruption by pastors who don’t believe that the book they teach from is infallible. They say they do, but they are dishonest in their claim whether they know it or not. And their churches "statements of faith" will prove it. They almost all say something like, “we believe only the original manuscripts were infallible.” If they believe only the originals are infallible, what are they teaching us out of then? Because it would mean that whatever is outside the originals is fallible. How can these men know when they’re teaching us truth from error? They can’t! They put their faith in other fallible men. And those men do the same, and so on.. from fallible mind to fallible mind searching for truth. It can’t be had but by God. Matt 16:17
    If they knew where the errors were, why not fix the bible they’re using and make it infallible?
    …something to consider. 

    2 Tim 3:7
    Euer learning, and neuer able to come to the knowledge of the trueth.

    This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon.
    The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on and ultimately destroy it.
    (it's a treasure of information for the Saints) – find the first interview to start on.

    here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer" 
    "(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.”

    It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only-ist movement doesn’t use the true authorized version of 1611 either. You will not find this bible in any church pew or Christian bookstore.
    This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on.
    If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying.

    freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.”
    Matt 10:8

    God bless you all in the trueth of the real Jesus Christ!

  5. I spent a majority of my youth pretending to be someone I wasn’t. I wanted so desperately to be cool, to be noticed, to be liked..I didn’t like who was staring back at me in the MIRROR.
    I LIED to sound interesting, I LIED to appear funny, I LIED to get anyone to notice me.
    I wanted GIRLS to notice me…I was constantly chasing that relationship with ANYONE..
    Since 2nd grade, constantly seeking the opposite sex.
    In 6th grade, I began to think about sex..alot
    I began to “self satisfy” any chance I got.
    Looking back at the habits I developed in that mindset…it makes me hang my head in shame.
    My Grandparents divorced, my parents divorced..it only made sense I was seeking that “intimacy”…any intimacy would do the job..
    Habits I developed in my youth, overflowed and poured over into my Adulthood..almost cost me my marriage, my relationship with my children..it almost cost me my LIFE..

    I don’t write this, in search of pity..
    I don’t share this, to tell you a story..
    YOU ARE READING THIS RIGHT HERE AND NOW IN THIS MOMENT, because YOU made a choice, to watch this video and scroll through the comments, like you have always done.

    But this time is different, because THIS is the moment someone brought you the good word 🙏🏽
    That there is a God that sits on high, and he is waiting for you.
    He is waiting for you to lift up the past you’ve let drive your present, up to him!
    He is waiting for you to pull away from the habitual sin you have been living in!
    He is waiting for you to shout his name in praise on your darkest nights!
    He is waiting for you to stop asking the questions that don’t matter, and dig into his word!
    Waiting for you to take hold of the fact he sent his son to die the death that YOU AND I DESERVE!!
    Waiting for you to dig into his word for your redemption!
    The redemption that awaits the vessel developed in love, the vessel with the royal blood of heaven flowing through its veins!



    Look into the mirror, acknowledging that you have FOUND GOD, and begin your WALK WITH GOD..by developing a relationship with his son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ 🕊🕊🕊


    And start the habit of seeing YOURSELF, the way GOD SEES YOU..

    Created in his image, beautifully made, for MEANING AND PURPOSE

    🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Glory be to God!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    If you have read this far, God bless you, if you have a few minutes listen to my NEW song “Mirror Image” on my page.
    Shut down everything else and join me as I share many of the thoughts that I had with MYSELF, while looking into the mirror..
    Join me as I talk to the man staring back at me, my MIRROR IMAGE 🕊🩸🙏🏽


  6. Be aware of the great church deception…
    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
    Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21
    Now you probably already know that you need to avoid for the majority of these things but what about seditions & variance? Seditions is the same word for divisions or factions and that exactly is what the church is doing today, if you go to church you are doing this too! Each denomination has beliefs about the bible that are different than the others. These beliefs vary from each other and in many cases they vary from what the Bible actually says. This is how the church has you in seditions and variance. Now those people that continue to participate in this will not inherit the kingdom of God. All you have to do is leave the church and just read your Bible, let the Holy Spirit show you what the scriptures are conveying.
    If you want to learn more just search: Israel Bible Prophecy News Analysis & Ezekiel Temple Watch on youtube, this will help you learn more about the Bible than any pastor you know!

  7. Hi. I have something important to share. Will you listen?

    "As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one.' "- Romans 3:10 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"- Romans 3:23

    So what does this mean? Well, let's look into it 🙂

    "The Lord has disciplined me severely, But He has not given me over to death." – Psalm 118: 18 The psalmist (the person speaking) is talking about how the Lord has disciplined him. To discipline is to reprimand or punish for a wrongdoing. This shows that the psalmist has sinned before. Therefore, he is not righteous right? It would seem like it, but then the psalmist continues on…

    "Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; The righteous will enter through it." Psalm 118:19-20

    So now the psalmist is entering the gates of the righteous. Something that only the righteous can do. How is this possible? How can someone who has sinned be righteous before God? I mean God hates sin how can someone who has sinned be in right standing with him? Well let's find out.

    "I shall give thanks to You, for You have answered me, And You have become my salvation." – Psalm 118:21

    It is "You" who has become his salvation; "You" has saved him. But how? And just who is this "You" anyway?

    The psalmist answers this question by saying "The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone." Psalm 118: 22

    What stone? Jesus. Jesus Christ is "The stone which the builders rejected…." -Psalm 118: 22 for "He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.

    Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem." Isaiah 53:3

    But he has become the most important piece. Jesus said "I and the Father are one.” – John 10:30 (The father being God) "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6

    For "This Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” -Acts 4:11-12

    But wait, we still don't know how Jesus can possibly save us. Let's look into that. As we continue further along in the passage it says, "The Lord is God, and He has given us light; Bind the festival sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar." -Psalm 118:27

    The horns of the alter was a symbol of the death of the sacrifice. People would take hold of the horns of the alter to attain mercy. Jesus died on the cross so that we could obtain mercy. He was the sacrifice. Just like the psalmist, we have all sinned, and are deserving of hell. We all fall short, but…. right after Romans 3:23 (the verse that says that we fall short) comes Romans 3:24 " being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus,"

    Through Jesus we can be justified and made righteous. Not by doing anything to earn it. Not by working hard enough, or praying enough, or reading/ studying enough, or even because of the good things we do for others or God. Only through the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross can we appeal to God for mercy and be in right standing with Him. Not that we deserved anything, but as an unearned gift.

    Jesus loves every single one of you. (And so does God that's why he sent his son Jesus) That is why he gave up his life for you. He died so that you could be free. The punishment for sin is death. (the second death is hell.) But Jesus died to pay for our sins. "God presented Him as the atoning sacrifice through faith in His blood…." -Romans 3:25 He died for us, but then he rose again. Doing what we couldn't have done, defeating sin and the grave.

    Do you believe that you are a sinner in need of a savior? Do you believe in the Good news that Jesus came to die for the sins of the world on the cross (and then rose again/resurrected)? Well then…

    "Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.”” -Acts 16:30-31

    "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" -Romans 10:9

    Being saved is just the beginning. Now that you are in right standing with God. You can have a relationship with him. He wants to talk to you. Do you wanna know him? He hears all that you say. ( Tell him everything; your plans, worries, fears, memories, problems, everything.) Read your Bible because that is one of the primary ways that God will speak back. He'll show you who he is. He'll let you find him if you seek him. 🙂 He'll teach you how to live a life in freedom from sin. He'll give you the power to repent. Trust in Him He loves you. ❤❤

    Whoa you actually finished? Wow I'm impressed. I mean this is just a YouTube Comment After all. 😅

  8. Contradictory verses in the bible:
    Exodus 20:8 vs Romans 14:5
    Exodus 20:12 vs Luke 14:26
    Matthew 19:26 vs Judges 1:19

    False prophecies in the bible:
    Ezekiel 26
    Ezekiel 29
    Joel 3 19
    Isaiah 19
    Isaiah 17

  9. I liky its refreshing to hear the truth not hide in plain sight fighting not to scream out your truth whats is really going on how you are just walking storng wih Jesus power giving you something that no one can feel. Your pain is his pain, on one, can get your brokennes


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