Leave Everything You 're Doing& Watch This Interesting True Life Story And Learn A Nigerian Movie

THIS IS PART 1 https://youtu.be/kPzvKpUncdE CLICK TO WATCH PART 2 https://youtu.be/euOOio304Uc This Nigerian movie …


  1. If the wife has her own money to by animals, why not go get her own place then if he puts her out over haven fallen or being pushed which ever the trivial thing was? Why are these women all like treated like maids,babysitters and children in their own homes? By the way men….you do NOT babysit your own children!

  2. God know why im not born in that culture because i would be the most rebellious wife ever. I would live alone all by myself. Kmt. The men are petty and the women are weak. No disrespect but thats my perspective.

  3. Such a treatment never ever allowed awoman be on top of aman which is her husband,even ur traditional lures or regulations is to mach prohibited,aman is the head of ahome which the wife should be respected,

  4. Awoman which is too lazy ,not working any thing which expected her to do at home,the woman responsibility which all people know,woman must clean all the house inside and outside,washing anything useble at home,fetching water,cooking any food,and other home work such's ironing any useble clothes,all this we know we as aman,not awife to treat a husband never such treatment happens,

  5. Like this movie video of amarkha ,is any in sult ,awoman to push her husband to fell down on the ground ,it is chocked and surprised ,if it was me ,I could divorce her and take out of my house or home,becouse she's oready shown her self that ,she's acriminals and skillet,


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