Learning Wisdom For Witnessing From Jesus Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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  1. Hallelujah PRAISE His Holy Name . This is sooooo powerful ,, thankyou Dr Monroe… How BEAUTIFUL IS THE FEET,,,, OF THOSE WHO PREACH THE KING JESUS CHARACTER!!!!! THE GOSPEL !!!!!!!! AMEN 🙌🙏🙌🙏🙌🙏🙌

  2. One thing the Lord may have laid on my heart is that we should gather all the churches that will teach the narrow road and not once saved always saved (unless we can make sure the brethren will learn eventually), have everyone sell their belongings if the Lord wills for individual items for individual people, and least most of the church buildings, then go out and spread the Gospel door to door and place to place, on the road sides, however and wherever the Lord wills.

    The early church ended up with 30,000,000 followers by 350AD if the numbers I found were right so imagine what God can do with the internet and technology if He wills, plus we have millions of believers to start with in this day.

    Fervent prayer is how to see the Lord's will to be led by the Spirit and the Gospels, Acts, and Paul's letters are also important if He wills.

    However, we do need to be careful not to abandon our First Love. A warning was laid on my heart yesterday because Jesus warned one of the early churches in His revelation that they were spending too much time working (spreading the Gospel) and having church services and they were losing their devotional time. We have to stay in His will to keep a balance.

  3. 20 yrs after this msg, God had to shut the doors of our churches down so we can get this gospel back to the streets, our jobs n our social media spaces. God help us, to reconcile our spheres of influence to him, just like he reconciled us to himself🙏🏿

  4. Had the privilege of being in the audience of Dr Monroe teaching several times, came to our church, but our pastor did not continue or stay on that same path… Back to his way, leading us in his own understanding …. After many years of back and forth, here I am listening to Dr Monroe teachings with much more understanding… Nothing about or for God is every wasted… Dr Monroe is not physically here, but the messages, like all who have gone before us, is still here to free and guide us! As for such a time! Praise be to God! 👏🏽💕🙏🏽

  5. Good afternoon! I've been searching for the bible version Dr. Myles Munroe used- Can anyone help me. Can you show me which version of the Bible he used? I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time..

  6. Myles is an igbo Hebrew giant used by God in a very
    special way folks have no
    idea how blessed they are
    eating this fine wheat from
    the heart of The kingdom
    I bumped into myles and
    The Bible became wisdom
    came alife by The Holy Spirit that spoke through him.Thank you Jesus.


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