In this Sermon Dr Myles Munroe teach us how o pray a prayer of Understanding the Purpose and Power. Thanks for watching …


  1. When is your god going to do something about , Tsunami,s , Earthquakes , Floods , Child Deaths 5 million a year , Covid , Aids , Famine ? is god working in strange ways , not interested , ot does not exist ?

  2. 6 million Jews prayed , did it help them yes or know , 5 million Covid sufferers prayed , 15 million aids patients prayed , 5 million children die each year did their parents pray , I am waiting to hear from you hollier than thou,s to tell me if their prayers helped or not .

  3. In Islam there's protocol why i love their prayers …in Christianity there must be some shouting and screaming which keeps me wondering if God knows us even before we were born why should you shout ,talk in tongues for him to listen to you…silent prayers can still work without nobody even having to know you prayed except him.


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