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  1. Amen! There will be better day's coming! Have faith, trust in God , he will bless with better days. In the name of Jesus I believe in you God!!! Prayers for the world with better day's!🙏

  2. Fighting stage 4 stomach cancer my Chihuahua of 10 years died four days ago I'm struggling emotionally my soul is hanging by a thread it seems I don't wanna give up or in Lord God I'm so tired of PAIN IN MY HEART HELP ME PLEASE

  3. 2021 My son was shot in the neck at a school game I play this song to comfort him when he can't breathe and has to suffer only god can heal him at this point this song helps us when he bout to give up

  4. I thank God that he has humble me to see the sins in my life. To confess them that he may cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I thank God in advanced for washing me completely clean. I will enter into the gate of righteousness. Thank you Father in the name of Jesus. For your delivering power. You are faithful to your word to perform it. Sin no longer have power over me. I am a new creation old things has pass away, behold all thing have become new. Better Days are coming. Praise you Lord Jesus. Amen

  5. I am at my wits end with worry, tired of feeling like I can't make it even when all I do is push. Everyone around me can be there, but inside you still feel alone somehow. It's like living everyday with a broken heart, back to back losing loved one's and we are all hurting, God I wish, hope, and pray, that my family can heal from this. If it wasn't for my cousin, I would have never discovered this song. She talked to me and told me keep going. Just hearing this song I need for my kids, my family, my husband, and all my loved ones to know that there is always hope. That love is always here, and that we will make it through any trials that come our way. I pray that anyone in need gets the blessings they believe in, God already knows what it is and he's always on time. ALWAYS!!!!

  6. You the singer I want to listen to to you are keep doing what the lord what you do do don't do what the devil don't listen to the devils your in God's hands and I know your going to live and have a good better live in heaven not he'll you definitely should and should be in heaven for ev er

  7. my life s a total mess and I created this mess I have no family but every day Im surrounded by families and it hurts words cant describe Im not a bad person far from it just cant understand after all I have been thru it seems never ending
    I have tried and now Im so tired I lived thru child and adult abuse tired I often wonder when will it be my time when will i reach the front of the queue been clapping and cheering others watching the queue called life get shorter but it never seem to be my turn God can see all of this He knows my life seen what I have been thru….when is my better day going to come

  8. Amen this is the year that God will restore all that the devil stole from me my latter days shall be better than my beginning 2022 is my year and my children's year as well in Jesus name This a very beautiful powerful anoited song by amazing LeAndria she definitely power house

  9. I really can’t wait to see my daughter again Im sorry for leaving my babymother because of her foolishness and now my baby is not with me didn’t see her for a whole year she tried blocking me from everything seeing my child . Zorah just know I love you forever and will never stop. I will be the best dad 💙


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