When strange fires are offered on consecrated altar, what are the consequences?


  1. Very nice movie…telling us Not to Compromise…!!!! Thanks so much for this movie….I love ,all the actors… I can tell they're all profound Children of GOD!!!!! May we All be Candidates of Heaven in JESUS Mighty Name!!!!!!

  2. How I wish all ministers watched this movie, just little compromise can lead to a journey of no return with so many souls going to hell. God bless the entire family of flaming torch in Jesus mighty name.

  3. Thank you for this vital massage through a wonderful movie. It is a terrible thing to disobey the voice of God, thereby losing the presence of His Holy Spirit. 1 Samuel 15:22
    Also, our spouses can really impact our ministry negatively or positively. Lord have mercy on us.

  4. Be careful when you are been pushed against God's will… Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Darby Bible Translation So that let him that thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.


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