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  1. Corporate prayer of repentance before God

    "If my people who are called by my Name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wickedness.."

    I am standing in repentance
    Pray on behalf of your family
    Take the responsibility of priesthood
    Plead mercy over every altar of sin and iniquity that is empowering every other negative altar that delays reprogression, stagnation
    Psalm 51

    As for me and my house, I agree with you Lord this day that I will serve You and You Alone. I dessociate myself and my family from the ordinances of idols. I declare that as for me and my family, we will worship One True God, Jesus the Son of the Living God. We will live for Jesus
    No consulting mediums, powers of darkness, shrines, it is Jesus only, Jesus ever, Jesus only the source of illumination, power, revelation
    No bribery, No corruption, No manipulation

    By the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, any altars that have legal grounds in my life, Operations of poverty, visitation of wicked spirits, the Blood of Jesus Christ is against it

    "If my people who are called by my Name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wickedness.."

    I am standing in repentance
    Pray on behalf of your family
    I take the responsibility of priesthood
    We plead mercy over every altar of sin and iniquity that is empowering every other negative altar that delays reprogression, stagnation
    Psalm 51

    As for me and my house, I agree with you Lord this day that I will serve the You and You Alone. I dessociate myself and my family from the ordinances of idols. I declare that as for me and my family, we will worship One True God, Jesus the Son of the Living God. We will live for Jesus
    No consulting mediums, powers of darkness, shrines, it is Jesus only, Jesus ever, Jesus only the source of illumination, power, revelation
    No bribery, No corruption, No manipulation

    By the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, any altars that have legal grounds in my life, Operations of poverty, visitation of wicked spirits, the Blood of Jesus Christ is against it.
    My destiny and my glory, I connect you to the throne of grace
    Everyone is destined by Christ to rise
    You are my Glory God that lift up my head. I will not be afraid of 10thousands of people that set themselves against me round about

    Any system of authorization whether as a result of personal sins or territorial sin or foundations of bloodline, by the mercy of God I declare and decree their legal hold over me broken;
    Therefore any negative pattern that is in consistent with that which the Word of God says it should be in the name of Jesus I bring to end those patterns. Patterns of untimely death, perversion, begging, poverty, delay, limitation, hardship, mediocrity and inferiority be broken


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