Michael Lamb is a priest questioning his calling in a reform school in Ireland. When young, epileptic runaway Owen is sent to the …


  1. The most tragic story ever filmed, more tragic than Of Mice and Men. Two kindred souls who were not for and of this world. I could relate to it but I'm glad I didn't have to face such situations. The emotions it brought about would haunt me for long. This film is not for the weak of heart. So depressing, like The Deer Hunter of the 70's.

  2. Obviously Lamb loses his mind after his fathers death. What would possess a person to gain the trust of a severely abused child to then drown him, as a solution? Why did he think he was god to take life away. He betrayed the child, no doubt he thought that no one cared about the boy, so what does him a favor?

  3. Maybe it's me but, I do not understand the ending. Why would anyone put a child in the water when they are having a seizure? When I saw the child eating junk food, I knew he was going to have a seizure and did I hear Liam N. say "kill, kill"
    Can anyone explain or comment?

  4. I am totally confused as of why he killed the boy. Wikipedia has an article about this movie and it says that "he drowns the boy after hearing the boy describe the experience of a seizure as a form of joy". where is that in the movie?? The boy only says "I don't think we missed much" as they are driving back to Ireland and stop for a swim in the ocean. Lamb seems to be devastated by the comment. What does that have to do with the seizures he occasionally has?? To watch the entire movie and not be able to make any sense of the end…


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