In today’s video, we’re uncovering the secrets to what makes women even more attractive. Whether you’re looking to boost your …


  1. I understand your points, most men nowadays expect women to work, or be the braid winner, and take care of the kids, and the house, and the man just gives a little and watches TV and demands respect!! Is that what God wants in marriage!!! Most divorces come from this according to divorce Lawyer

  2. Yes proverbs 31 woman,i agree,however this attractive part**i believe isnt a nice way of looking at it especially in this day and age where young boys are lost and men are adarmant of their responsibilities and abandoning them all to women simply because she is virtuous and has the money.Helper extends beyond financial help.This phenomena of an independent woman being attractive to aman is the reason we have so many single mothers and iresponsible fathers who became too comfortable, stingy and lazy to take on their financial responsibilities towards their families.

  3. Thanks alot Sir for this. How can a woman earn when she works at her husband business and he refused to pay her monthly salary but insist that anything she wants to buy even if it's her pants, he will give her the money to buy it

  4. I’ve seen a lot of hype around books, but women’s magic truths on borlest actually lives up to it. The techniques inside are nothing short of transformative, helping you attract whatever you desire. This isn’t your typical law of attraction fluff—it’s practical and real. Don’t miss out on what could be a life-changing read.

  5. This video is truly inspiring! I don’t usually share recommendations, but I have to tell you about the book women’s magic truths on borlest. It offers unique perspectives on wealth and self-care that you won’t find elsewhere. Wishing everyone all the best

  6. Tired of hearing the same old advice? The book women’s magic truths on borlest is different. It dives deep into secret techniques that can help you attract almost anything in your life. This isn’t just another take on the law of attraction—it’s the real, actionable truth. If you’re serious about making a change, this is the book you need to read.

  7. Amazing content in this video! I rarely suggest anything in comments, but the book women’s magic truths on borlest is a game-changer. It provides deep knowledge on wealth and self-care that can really make a difference. Take care, everyone


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