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  1. No better teacher for the word of God than Dr. Myles. Rest well for you finished your work here on earth. It's our turn to learn from your message and do better.

  2. Wow…Profound! This man, my spiritual Daddy, is a special son of God. I have yet to come across anyone that knows God's words like Myles Munroe. God, you took him away too soon. Informative message.

  3. @min. 44:45, The bank denied my loan, two weeks later, approved it.
    This is the story, they offered me the loan by letter, so I went and signed the papers, but they sought a finance company other than the original offering bank. In effect, denied across the borad,
    but two weeks later I was called in to sign the approval papers.
    Near shabby credit, yet, God says otherwise. God bless us on our journey!!@

  4. I need to watch this over and over and over again…. So much wisdom in one video…. Everyone who has watched this,is beyond blessed. Father thank you for your servants like Dr.Myles ,he is still a blessing to this generation and will continue to be from generation to generation.🙏🏾

  5. POWERFUL TEACHING. Thriving in times of crisis. So very Glad that God, His Word and His Promises don't change. Expect the unexpected necessary changes. People change. Seasons change. Problems are temporary. Assignments and Direction change. A time and a season for everything. People can claim to love you today and will decide to curse you on tomorrow and then will have the nerve to justify their actions as being just and Godly. This is nothing new under the sun, this is expected. You are not suppose to put your trust in people. You can outgrow people and things which may be time for you to move on because you may no longer be speaking the same language, no longer going in the same direction or no longer have the same understanding. I love Dr. Myles Munroe's Teachings. God Bless


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