Dr. Myles Munroe on the current crisis of relationships and the keys to success.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:53:58. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. How powerful is that God is so right when he say by lack of knowledge my people perish the more we know the better our life will be yet I believe it has to be a true conversion, we have to experience the love of God for ourself understand how deep the love of God is for us only then we will be able to love others as ourself there is no other way, unconverted people will keep failing their relation because God say without me you cant do nothing we need to have him in our life to have that divine love for God and for others.he really say the truth as it is, now its all up to us to use these information and apply it in our life if we want to be successful….

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this message and it has come at the most opportune time when a group of young people are looking for direction on this very sensitive subject. We will share this and pray that it will have life changing impact on these lives. Praise God for answer to prayer.

  3. Wow, I will injoy my single life , I love my self so much , I will leave god to help me find th right person when that time comes, I don’t need trouble in my life.

  4. wow!!! what more can i say? what a massage, what a preacher, and what a teacher. undiluted words from a refined heart, you were a man with a differences despite your absence in d flesh your spirit man is still much more effective in our world and i believe that these words of yours will continue to b effective to thousands of generations to come, if the Lord Jesus tarry.

  5. I never knew myles munroe to be such a great preacher & teacher…God will crown you with glory even as you rest in His bossom..thank you so very much!

  6. This is sooooo…..
    Enlightening, eye opening. I’m just speechless. Some of these things i knew but definitely learnt something today.
    Lord plz help me enjoy my singleness! Amen!!!

  7. Dr.myles munroe is a great,inspiring manThe right kind of man to give purpose and help save most of teenagers and youth like me,who really get hurt when it comes down to relationships because we luck knowledge and wisdomIN THE NAME OF JESUS,LET EVERY YOUTH GAIN KNOWLEDGE.AMEN


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