Daniel was known as a seer, a counselor to kings, and a voice for his generation. Despite facing restrictions, he never allowed …


  1. The enemy been trying for me not to listen to this message since it came out, but by God’s grace and me allowing myself to listen to his still small voice. God told me, to search up PastorRoberts. I saw this message and finally got the chance to hear it. I’ve been listening to what God has been telling me about learning. I’ve signed up to Disciples University in my community here in Belize. To learn how to function in Ministry like Jesus did. I’ve also started to join my husband in the gym, something he loves so much. And learn to do Jiu- Jitsu, I learned that I’m not as physically healthy as I thought. I was and I needed to strengthen God’s temple. This is not the environment I’m comfortable in, but if my participation in the gym will be bring my husband closer to God, then I’m good in any hood lol! Godsaying amma be alright there . Also this morning I’ve been tempted to participate in low- rate conversation And God was saying to me, if it don’t bring your. Family closer to me then don’t talk about it amen.


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