Dr Kim Riddlebarger and Dr Joshua Howard discuss various topics, including Amillennialism, the recent rise in popularity of …


  1. Who teaches "Classical" Dispensationalism? I'd like to know because they apparently teach different forms of salvation in different dispensations, but I'm in the Dispensational camp, and I don't believe that, and authors I've read don't either.

  2. I agree with the early fathers that the millennium is that 7th millenary of years, or the redemptive sabbath. Adam died during the first redemptive day, living to 930 years. The 7th redemptive day is the millennium. Each redemptive day consists of 1000 years. The 6th day is when apostasy and wickedness culminate—issuing in the Beast, whose number is 666. While I think there’s a spiritual sabbath that Christians enter into now, it’s clear to me that John had something more physical in mind.

    I agree, also, that full Preterism is a heresy..

  3. Around the 21:30 mark, the question of hermeneutics comes up. As an Amill, it seems to me that the Pre-mills and the Post-mills basically use the same hermeneutic. But because it's such an unwieldy tool, it's hard to keep it in line when applying it to the Bible.

  4. Okay ~ As an Amill, who agrees with Dr. Kim's eschatology, and feels Apolitical as well, I find his comments around the 36:00 mark to be pretty sad. Like, for shame. The Postmill church I attend does tend to be pretty political, but if you can't preach on the evils of abortion because there might be someone in the congregation that's had an abortion, then you really can't preach to anyone. One of the key points of preaching is to call to repentance. What in the world Kim?

  5. Something that helped men and is helping me understand the book of revelation is this, the book of revelation is speaking of the same.things the rest of the NT is speaking of just with apocalyptic language.

  6. I respect Dr. Riddlebarger's position on amillennialism, but I don't think I'd serve communion to a person who votes Democrat…knowing that the Democratic party openly support abortion, sexual anarchy, gender ideology and indoctrination of children into wokeness. Such an individual should be under church discipline. Sorry, but this even includes my mother who professes faith but supports this ungodly party. It isn't that there are individuals who hold these beliefs; the party itself embraces them.


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