"C'mon man". I like these movies, but why do we always have to hear the Lefts favorite conspiracy theories first. Especially when the people pushing them are buying beachfront properties every month. It'd be nice to just watch a movie for entertainment.
Global warming is a hoax. No matter how much water melts at either end of the polls.. Fine limit god has created the borders for every continent and the water will not passwave will come and then every seat back to the boundaries that he is designed. It is a proven fact all the way back in history.
Five minutes in and already wrong. Last tidal wave in the Atlantic hit Newfoundland on November 18, 1929. It was caused by a slough off the Grand Banks.
This has or had all the earmarks of being (or becoming) a first rate vehicle for this genre. However, if I were to ask 100 people the question: Should you ever, at the scene of a crime, pull a knife out of a victim and hold that bloody knife up & turn so everyone can see? 100 people will say: Well, duh!
If Military Sonar can Kill Whales around the world. What can a Mad Govt or some rich crazy person do to us. Sad but true as Nature and Humans play a part in the World's Destruction, but what nut could create the End of the Human Race.
Watch Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/OXwVhZ41Nc8
Very boring acting
Terrible movie but I appreciate the upload. Hard to complain when its free
B rate?
C rate?
D rate?
Very good movie ?????❤️?
stupid writers..the wave hit new foundland last about 2pm…hmmmm 2 pm is not nite, its afternoon. 2 am is nite. what is the iq of these writers ?
Why is there no description of the movies anymore? I usually read the description and the comments before watching the movie. ?
“Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water”… the water comes after you.
Another global warming bs movie
"C'mon man". I like these movies, but why do we always have to hear the Lefts favorite conspiracy theories first. Especially when the people pushing them are buying beachfront properties every month. It'd be nice to just watch a movie for entertainment.
Global warming is a hoax. No matter how much water melts at either end of the polls.. Fine limit god has created the borders for every continent and the water will not passwave will come and then every seat back to the boundaries that he is designed. It is a proven fact all the way back in history.
The mansion shown is beautiful would love to know where it is……such warm wood and comfort….
If we don’t do something soon to dam up all the rivers emptying into the oceans the seas will overflow and we will be flooded.
Another propaganda of the globalist…" over population and fossil fuels" as the source of earth natural climate cycles.
Great movie! Exciting!
Five minutes in and already wrong. Last tidal wave in the Atlantic hit Newfoundland on November 18, 1929. It was caused by a slough off the Grand Banks.
Global warming as a given? Bah-hah-hah.
This has or had all the earmarks of being (or becoming) a first rate vehicle for this genre. However, if I were to ask 100 people the question: Should you ever, at the scene of a crime, pull a knife out of a victim and hold that bloody knife up & turn so everyone can see?
100 people will say: Well, duh!
wow 2007
About less than 20 mins to the end & this movie is so good. Thank You for the movie & thank you for part 2, I will be watching it soon.
This is a PROFOUNDLY SLOW low budget movie.
Unite us!
Bovine flatulence strikes again!
so sad how our gov is creating these events to get rid of us
Groomer movie
If Military Sonar can Kill Whales around the world. What can a Mad Govt or some rich crazy person do to us. Sad but true as Nature and Humans play a part in the World's Destruction, but what nut could create the End of the Human Race.
Talk about propaganda even the comments are proof