Killer Wave | Part 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE | Disaster, Thriller | Angus MacFadyen

Part 1: After massive tidal waves strike the East Coast, a team of scientists confers to discover the reason behind the devastating …


  1. "C'mon man". I like these movies, but why do we always have to hear the Lefts favorite conspiracy theories first. Especially when the people pushing them are buying beachfront properties every month. It'd be nice to just watch a movie for entertainment.

  2. Global warming is a hoax. No matter how much water melts at either end of the polls.. Fine limit god has created the borders for every continent and the water will not passwave will come and then every seat back to the boundaries that he is designed. It is a proven fact all the way back in history.

  3. This has or had all the earmarks of being (or becoming) a first rate vehicle for this genre. However, if I were to ask 100 people the question: Should you ever, at the scene of a crime, pull a knife out of a victim and hold that bloody knife up & turn so everyone can see?
    100 people will say: Well, duh!

  4. If Military Sonar can Kill Whales around the world. What can a Mad Govt or some rich crazy person do to us. Sad but true as Nature and Humans play a part in the World's Destruction, but what nut could create the End of the Human Race.


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