Kids In America | Full Movie | High School Comedy | Nicole Richie

Kids In America – A diverse group of high school students band together to peacefully stick it to their overbearing principal. 2005.


  1. Fantastic movie! Took me back to my own high school days, & was such an uplifting film as well. An actual storyline about kids who care about their lives & want to make a difference, & aren't afraid of the consequences of changing the status quo! Thanks for entertaining me on a dark & rainy day!

  2. Excellent movie America is suppose to be free my Opinion get Rid of all the old Folks in the white house ,Congress replace them young people fresh Ideas they'll change the way things are happening because the way we're going it's just not working !!!!!
    Global warming Wars , Inflation , this is because of the older Generation That just couldn't get it right

  3. Fantastic movie
    This is what really happens in my highschool and the movie is so easy to relate too
    An actual storyline about kids who care about lives and want to make a difference and aren't afraid of the consequences of changing the status quo .
    And I am popular but I am not beautiful but I was when I was a little kid .
    Highschool is like a competition they have different social groups .
    The cheerleaders , the dance team members , footballers or other known as the jocks;
    Then the nerds

  4. 🪝🗓📅📆🤰👩‍🍼👶Remember none of witches cows and dolls baby or sharks or Brains Africa and 🦑you can't touch me or touch my baby or fight with my . None of you can’t fight with my mother and my father and my sisters and my brothers or my family and my niece and nephews and my children and good people living around the worlds.I command to all of you to take everything back to there spiritual or religious or cultural and century and spell and curse and black magic to me. Time to stop everything right now like bad witch or bad demons and bad giants and animals spiritual like food spiritual painting on display at the not forget to paid me back beautiful Queen earth morality eternal and powerful woman with wisdom and knowledge and charming. Do not forget to paid me the money is £800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000990000000000000000000000000000000000000099900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  5. Red flag: if your husband is a high school teacher and wants you to dress up as a cheerleader it's safe to assume that he's a pedo. You should never encourage his fantasies about minor children. But leave it up to the woke to destroy everything with their hypocritical standards.

  6. Sadly radical leftist extremist have been brainwashing kids now from pre teens so by the time they get to be 14+ they have no mind of their own left. THANK YOU NANCI PELOSI AND JOE BIDEN YOU DID THIS!!!! Mindless drones leave school now no imagination no creativity and most of all NO THINKING FOR YOURSELF!!!!

  7. Solution? Organisms! Just kidding , auto correct turned solution in to orgasms because I typed a bit before I looked and laughed. Organise students to protest in the gym and record it, then send it out to friendly media sources.

  8. i thank everyone involved in creating this video. Every person is so special and everyone who is a sophomore in high school should see this movie. The next generation of quality representatives and advocates for for what is supposed to be happening in our country and the world. Peace, love and happiness level of 10!

  9. This movie was made in 2005. That’s when I graduated Uni and regret every bit of it. In the 4 years I was there I had almost all the hot girls falling for me but I was too shy to make a move!

  10. this as been the most gayest movie i ever seen in my straight life and im sick about it sure all human have rights and equality but you guy should have cut of on the gay kissing


    Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
    -John 14:6

    ⁹ that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
    ¹⁰ For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
    -Romans 10

    1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    – 1 John

    Believe Jesus died to blot out your sins and proclaim He is your Lord and Saviour.
    Believe He rose again 3 days later in the flesh by God's hand.
    For by grace you are saved through faith.

    Confess and repent of all your sins in prayer in the name of Jesus.
    Forgive those who have harmed you (this will free you from anger) as God forgave you.
    Be baptised fully immersed in water and be baptised in the Holy Spirit (if possible).
    Live pure and stop sinning.
    If you sin unwillfully confess and repent for none of us are perfect except Jesus.

    Be obedient.
    Follow the spiritual laws: 
    Love you neighbour as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul and mind.

    Develop a relationship with God. Walk with him in the cool of the day.


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