Keys To The Azusa Street Revival, The Pentecost Phenomenon, by TNT Ministries

Azusa Street Revival, William Seymour, Endtimes, Latter rain, holy spirit, outpouring, pentecost, day of pentecost, azusa.


  1. Two things stand out to me about Azusa. One, revival came about by CONSISTANT FERVENT prayer and fasting. And two, I find it ironic that the great earthquake happened after much mocking and making fun of the church and speaking in tongues. God forbid it takes another such tragedy to usher in revival.

  2. Portable pray closet not unlike a tallit remeber the 🚺 with the issue of blood grabbed the him of Yahsua garment one of the four tassel tzit,tzit.Like Malachi prophesied the son of righteousness would have healing in his wings.
    They left out the most important doctrinal truth that came forth water baptism in Jesus name.

  3. Yes yes yes…..These are the only keys to true holy ghost revival…..God brought me out of Misssissppi to Junction City Ks…To Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Church where there is no prejudice… There is No color barrel…. People repent, get Baptize I Jesus name just like Acts2:38 says and seeks God and he filled them with the Holy Ghost & fire….Give them power to live the way he wants you to live…I came At the age 19…I am Black…was blown away to see black white Korean e.t.c loving each other loving God and a mighty revival was going on just like this 1….the devil couldn't stop it with prejudice…41years now n same rivival still going on…people of all color, race, can come and repent .God breaks changes of addicts, drugs addicts get free, harlots, gets forgiveness, n live 4 God…I came smoking, I went to the alter repented , God forgave me removed the desire out of my mouth …I received the holy ghost , spoke in tongues hasn't desired a cigarette n its been 41 years in May…..
    True revival with change you…If you have no change try the Holy ghost…. No no no, not talking about people just speak something in tongue n say they got the spirit…no no no they playing church….Talking about Repentance, tell God you are sorry n don't won't to live in sin from your heart….Ask him to forgive you of all ur sins and evilways infill you with the Holy ghost which will give you power and tastes the desire 4 sin away…you pray till the Holy ghost power fills ur heart & you will speak in tongues as the spirit takes over n speak…..not as you walking around utter something…big difference…then it will give you power to deny sin…..yes there are false revival, even false churches n in denominations, even false pentecostal…Jesus had a false disciple(JUDAS) BUT it still didn't stop the real….So when you sit around hollering : I KNOW SOME that's not real. Jesus still has a real…The 1st church started in the 1st and 2nd Chapter of acts….that the real…lol 4 a church that's looks like Acts 2: Jesus said in john 3:5….you must be born of the water & spirit or u can't see the kingdom….so many churches tell u just except the Lord as ur personal savior & ur alright….But no. Jesus has to except you…he will forgive u, and fill you with the holy ghost, and allow u to get baptized… Call us crazy, but when Jesus comes u be let here calling us gone bye bye…..

  4. Praise God, and thank you for posting this; the Body of Christ has been talking about revival for a long time, so what's the hold up. I write this in love, God will not put wine in old wine skins, we all must meet the condition; that is live as Holy and sin free as we can. Furthermore, yes, this we take the Spirit of the Lord to help us; but, we must go back to tarrying on the altar, because that is where devils get cast out.

  5. When William Seymour went to LA, there was a similar atmosphere like the one we are living today. The nation was divided over racism. Blacks were getting lynched everywhere in the South.

    In spite of the recent revival of 1904, white churches were not allowing Blacks inside. The revival of Azusa brought humanity, equality and love among Christians who participated in the revival. Sadly, this unity lasted only 3 years.

    If there is no revival, it's because people are disobedient to the very first commandment of loving one another. If you don't love your brother to the point of leaving your comfortable place to help your brother who struggle; don't think for one second that you will be saved.

    Matthew 25:43
    "I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'

    Watch over the immigrants, over the poor and the incarcerated. God is a righteous judge.

  6. Are we all in agreement that prayer and fasting, with the combination of unity, equality and inclusion–not leaving out the Holy Ghost…if we want this last revival, we have to do it GOD's way…who's in?

  7. Amen ive been touched and so moved in my spirit to seek for and prepare for the end time revival. Please support me in prayer as Father has spoken to me to begin this work here where i am. GOD bless and prosper you in Jesus name

  8. Racism is value-less I still can't understand why some people believe it is a correct way in the presence of God. It stifles spiritual growth and liberty and most of all it leads to destruction and hell.

  9. Shalom 🦅 🦅, Yes we are on a Mission from the Most HIGH !!! YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH 🌴 🌻!! Hosanna in the Highest🔥🌴💥🍁🌻🍂🏵️🌸🌺🌷!!! It's time for a Revival!!!!!!

  10. There is something else in between the first key and the second key
    William prayed five hours each day for 2 1/2 years
    Than Lord told him to pray more he prayed seven hours every day
    He was completely dedicated to God seeking only the kingdom of God

    There was a lot more than just two keys
    probably some thing we I don’t even know
    Great revival come with a great price


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