You can purchase the complete album via the link below. Available on CD, DVD, MP3 & MP4.

The Complete Leader Titles:

Disc 1 – Discovering Your Personal Leadership
Disc 2 – Keys To Becoming A Leader
Disc 3 – The Most Important Aspect of Leadership – Passing It On

Trapped within every follower is a hidden leader. You may ask, If every follower is a potential leader, then who is going to follow? The answer is the essence of what the original philosophy of leadership was intended to be. Leadership is inherent in the human spirit of every person, but only a minute fraction of the human population ever knows, discovers, believes, or attempts to develop or release this hidden leadership potential. This message will help you to tap into your true leadership potential. This Teaching is a part of the album The Complete Leader.

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroe

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:53:37. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. After watching this video, I am certain that this man was killed. His plane crash was not an accident. At the time when it happened, and I had heard of it later, I felt in my heart that they had to do away with him because we are in the end times and they couldn’t have someone who allowed the Holy Spirit into his heart as strongly as this man did. We have to remember that these words of wisdom and these great teachings are not his, just as Christ said His (Christ Jesus’s) sermons were not His own, but they were of His Father’s who sent Him. These are the works of the Holy Spirit, and they are available for all people. I pray the spirit of Truth over every person who watches this video, that they can receive the greatest part of this message being that a true leader is one who can lead himself first, not going against his own law or mandates, but being the ultimate living example to each and every end. That’s why Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is because our Father in Heaven, Abba Elohim made Himself less than an angel for man and in so doing showed us how to govern ourselves. That’s the number one leadership that our Father in Heaven is looking for, the one who can govern himself according to the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven. Even He In the flesh was subject to His own law as He exemplified through the words and mouth of Jesus Christ Himself. If we believe that our savior was God In the flesh, we have to accept His exemplification that even He submitted to His own law while within the embodiment of the flesh. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with each of us, in Jesus Most holy Name, amen

  2. I love Dr. MUNROE and his life comittment to true freedom as a Kingdom Citizen. Imagine how powerful the Son of God was when he walked the earth.

  3. Dr. Munroe was a God sent man. I love the wisdom and the knowledge. All Preachers, Pastors and any leader should hear this message. Yes be afraid of the truth. If you don’t want to know the truth don’t listen.

  4. This man is the reconciliation between Knowing what Black people went through and having a relationship with God. I am saying this because some blacks folks who love laziness when it comes to seek God says that Jesus is a white man thing and they use this reason not believe in God. Here is someone who can tell you about slavery and yet has a genuine and living relationship with God. The devil has use and is using everything to keep people from salvation. I thank God for using this man so powerfully.

  5. This man was truly a gift to the world! SO grateful his messages have been preserved for us! I could listen to him all day and today I think I will!


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