Without a doubt, one of the best TV series of the 1990s was Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Another great show that ran in the …


  1. Leftist Hollywood media is the hardcore of bigotry and indoctrination. They destroyed the integrity and unification of the people. That is proof of the flaw of multiculturalism. It created division and tribalism to balkanize and destroy civilization. I endured discrimination, prejudice, bullying, exploitation, denial, and taunts because I am a white Christian and deaf male. I cannot get a job and promotion either. Respecting religion and individual beliefs are fundamental rights of the First Amendment of the US Consitution. I never watch today's Hollywood media as films and TV because of identity politics, WOKE, and ideological diversity, especially anti-white racism.

  2. He was kicked out for his bigotry, and being a jerk to people of different beliefs. Everyone has a right to whatever religion they want, but they don't have a right to abuse people, and that's what he did.

  3. I actually never watched his show but religion is a personal choice. No one has the right to force a religion on a person. It seems he's banned because of his own doing. I'm a Christian and I don't force my religion on anyone. There are times when you just keep your mouth shut and do your job.

  4. I’d re-title this & add, his career opportunities were possibly effected because of him being OUTSPOKEN about his Christian beliefs. Otherwise, the implication is there’s a general bias against Christianity, and it seems more likely there was an avoidance of being associated publicly with controversy or anything religious or political.

  5. His views aren't far right. Saying people can't magically change sex by slashing at bits of their body is not far right, it's the truth. Something mainstream media understandably has a serious issue with.

  6. I find it very ironic that no one's mentioning how Hollywood is Jewish run and please don't argue with me that's a fact all the studio execs all of them Jews in the high 90% I'm not racist in any way that's just a fact just like China's full of Chinese people that's all I mean

  7. Hollywood is a place of the most vile, evil, perverted, pedos, and groomers on the planet.
    The Left also calls it and CA its own. Plenty of evidence in what those people are.

  8. There’s always been a war (thank you, Satan) on Christianity and like Sodom and Gomorrah, there are still a few Christian actors and actresses in the cesspool that is Hollywood who stand proudly for their faith in God and will declare so. Amen.

  9. Whow he diffinitly my hero as he very handsome extremely brilliant actor and Admire his strength and courage standing up for his Faith in God our Father who made us all and Made him and all people of Hollywood. In am so Greatful to God for creating such Amazing actor and strong courageous human being. God Bless and Protect him and his family and all who Love God our Creator. In Jesus name. Amen

  10. wonder who he bribed to put up this crap. The guy is a moron among other things. He has on many occasions said some of the stupidest, most inane things possible that have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity or religion. I am sure if people looked deep enough, they would see his career died due to rampant stupidity and not super Christianity.

  11. Alternative Facts Verse? I see Kevin Sorbo's twitter from time to time, and he never acts Christian. It's like Gandhi once famously said, "I like you Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ". But I've noticed that the conservative's idea of Christ is doing exactly the opposite of "What Would Jesus Do". Having compassion for those that are different? Having compassion for those at the border? Feeding the poor through social programs? –> "That's woke nonsense that's destroying America" says conservative Christians today. That's not a very Christ like way to act like.

  12. I like Kevin Sorbo and I think Hollywood should get a grip there's lots of us Christians there's nothing wrong with that the man did his job his beliefs has nothing to do with his ability to become a damn good actor and he was that and he still is in my opinion I think Hollywood lost it they need to have their head examined for letting him go

  13. I had watched both his series Hercules and Andromeda and had seen him in other shows and have enjoyed his acting. His stating his opinions on politics or anything else based on his Christian beliefs has run him afoul of the woke elites of Hollywood with their cancel culture used against him, James Woods, Jon Voight and others who have conservative and/or Christian values and beliefs. There are those in Hollywood or are a part of the entertainment industry who have been silenced from speaking their own opinions because of how left-wing media and liberal elites will target them for going against accepted norm of Hollywood today. Dave Chappelle is a recent example of what they may try to do and he isn't what you would call a conservative or someone with Christian values as Sorbo has. I admire him for standing up for his values and principles and not being cowed into silence as those on the left would want. And not once has he been accused of shoving his beliefs down anyone's throat.


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