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  1. I’ve seen the joy of Holy Spirit for those who doubt it and it was children no one lead them to start laughing either. It was at a Christian children’s summer camp. One night service there was an alter call for anyone who’d been abused…. A group of kids went up and prior to that most kids were being filled with Holy Spirit no one was laughing at all actually mostly crying… the preacher stood in front of them and she prayed for them at the end she asked for joy to fill them. I honestly expected they’d get filled as everyone else had that gone up… but Immediately all at same time every single child that went up there began hysterically laughing. No one lead it or forced it on them… they for hours ran all over that sanctuary laughing I mean really laughing tears in their eyes a couple even lasted after service. Anytime they looked anyone in eyes they’d begin laughing even harder. You don’t have to believe me but I saw it for myself I can’t discern this I wasn’t there but what I saw was real! It to this day has been one of those most amazing things I saw in a church service.


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