In his “Clouds Without Water” series Justin Peter claimed that none of John G. Lake’s healings were documented, that they were …


  1. According to Peter's and other reformers.
    All the healings are fake, Make-Believe, coincidental.temporary. psychosomatic, so sad. That if you don't believe just exactly as they do, it's all fake and error and heresy..

  2. Allowing for embellishments here and there, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle between what Gordon Lindsay said and what Justin Peters is saying. God can manifest his healing power through flawed vessels and even used Judas Iscariot in this way when proclaiming the Gospel of the kingdom.

  3. Justin is trying soooo hard to throw over the gifts of the Spirit that he is probably never going to see his own healing unless he repents and acknowledge that healing is part of God's atonement in Christ – Jesus Christ said it boldly – what is easier to say your sins are forgiven you or take up tour bed and walk – Justin – you will be wise to hearken to Christ's testimony

  4. One of God's names is Jehovah Rafa -the God who heals. Curry Blake is now overseer of JGLM Ministries and has over 1 million documented healings. God wants you to walk Justin along with Joni Erickson.

  5. I have a idea. Lets start a prayer chain for JP's heart to be touched by the living God and that he'll be healed of his disability and his hatred towards the the truth 🙏

  6. Peters is just an insignificant pastor puppy of John MacArthur. Riding along on MacArthur’s gravy train $$$$$$$$$
    He is sure to point out EVERYONE’S errors while IGNORING all of MacArthur’s. Pathetic hypocrite


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