“Justice” is a felt need in our world today and a controversial topic. But what is justice, exactly, and who gets to define it? In this …


  1. All of human or other
    Aaaaah as great to make people fallen until no one can't help
    But iam Trust to my God
    There will be help me into the future and make me growth wisely 😊

    Human itu cuma tempat persinggahan setan untuk menggangu manusia, iri, dengki, cemburu dll.

  2. This is lukewarm Christianity. If you still walk in sin willingly Gods forgiveness will not find you. Loving people will not get you into heaven. Jesus did not die to save everyone. He died in order to give everyone the OPPORTUNITY to be saved. You cannot just say “Jesus died for my sins” and then continue to walk in your sin every day.

  3. You guys are truly men of God i just love 💕💕💕 all the contents of Bible project. Christ centred contents all the time. Loved the ribbon representing as Holy Spirit, thats a great thought. I want to to donate to this project but it's not very efficient in the website as I'm from India. Is there a precise easy to donate?

  4. So what is “gods definition” of good and evil?? A specific irrefutable definition is all that most people should be willing to accept.
    It seems to me that good and evil have no irrefutable definition, but I would love to hear a definition of gods qualifications of “good” and his “evil” as it should be irrefutable by secular and religious people in his supreme logic

  5. Cause and Effect: Belief in a strictly materialistic Darwinian Evolution leads one to believe, albeit falsely, that there is no Free Will. And if there is no Free Will, then there is no Right and Wrong and no Moral Law. However, this belief is completely contrary to everything that is practiced and observed in nature, humanity, and the cosmos regarding cause and effect. This line of reasoning is what led to the atrocities of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc and is the hidden underlying ideology / worldview justifying and directing many countries' Social Darwinian based foreign and domestic policies to the present. The Social Darwinian Materialistic Ideology / Worldview (Survival of the Fittest among nations, i.e. the continuous lawless struggle for resource wealth and world rule without regard to human moral / ethical standards or International / U.S. Laws) fabricates false scientific justification for racism and is the Root Cause of modern era World Wars and Perpetual Wars.

  6. Why is Darwin's macro-evolution speculations on the hypothetical common descent of all biological systems from a single celled common ancestor (which is not supported by the standard scientific method, the historical scientific method (i.e. there are no "presently acting causes" that support a common descent belief), Gene Regulatory Network mutation limitations, DNA mutation plasticity limitations, mathematical / computer modeling, information theory, etc.) referred to as a "theory" by the scientific community? Most importantly, the common descent illusion is not supported by the fossil record as revealed in the Cambrian geological layer.

    Just like the Spontaneous Generation "Theory", Charles Darwin's out-dated 1800's self-proclaimed "theory" of common descent macro-evolution from the materialist ideology / worldview Does Not meet the present day definition requirements of being a "Scientific Theory" in modern science and should be immediately downgraded by the modern scientific community.

    Countries' indoctrination of the masses in the pseudo-science of Darwinian Common Descent Macro-evolution and Social Darwinism, has continued to breed false scientific justification for racism and war in the modern era for over a century and could potentially lead to total human genocide through World War 3.

  7. I really enjoyed this video. I find, when listening to others discuss the concept of Biblical justice/injustice, that often it’s just white men lecturing the rest of us about how we should respond to injustice. More often, the focus is on how the oppressed should not sin in our anger, but rarely does anyone preach about why so many of us are so angry. This is, I kid you not, the first time I’ve ever heard white men acknowledge what the Bible says about advocating for the oppressed. Y’all really get it.

  8. My brother is very religious (he shows it every chance in the community) yet he is a childmolester and wifebeater. When will justice come for him. He destroyed so many families

  9. Thank you for bringing a (w)holy story to us. A story that not only tells us what the verses mean specifically, but also its part of the complete perfect story that tells of God's love for us, His children


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