Just Admit You're Pro-Abortion – Kristan Hawkins

Call it what it is. Subscribe for more content from Kristan Hawkins’ “Make Abortion Illegal Again” college speaking tour! — Students …


  1. pro-choice is stupid. Go pro-use a condom. Like I’m sorry but if you have sex without the thought of getting pregnant don’t have sex without a condom, like this topic is so un talked about and the way to fix killing babies is to were a fucking condom I don’t support sex before marriage but still if you don’t want a kid WARE A CONDOM MEN

  2. This is not funny anymore it's very concerning and very sad how all these university students have no idea why the do the things they do or why do they go against something that do not understand completely that's why it turns into arguments that are not valid. It's very sad and concerning that these students are the "future of the United States of America

  3. What are they CHOOSING??😮 AND if you're "not financially, emotionally, etc ready to have a baby" DON'T CHOOSE TO HAVE SEX KNOWING you might create another body / life in doing so. Your body can be fixed so you never have babies and then there's NEVER abortion and THAT'S your choice😊.

  4. librals play word games too much and think we dont notice. Gender and sex, minor attracted people and pedophiles, abortion and choice and murder… far too many to count. They like to switch the words around but keep the meaning to normalize evil things.

  5. Let me explain to the people that think this is a gotcha moment. You can be morally against recommending or endorsing an abortion and still respect another’s choice to make their own decision

  6. Pro choice of what? What are they doing that your pro choice about? Abortion. So you’re pro abortion. That doesn’t mean you agree with it or do it, that means you support people being able to abort their pregnancy.

  7. Increasingly, citizens understand, that those who believe in, and follow a god that called on believers/followers, to Murder select children, babies, and pregnant women, believe in and follow an Immoral god.

  8. People love being being dishonest with others about themselves. If pro choice means you are pro women choosing to give birth, or abort the baby, you are pro life and pro abortion. That makes you a hypocrite because you on one end recognize life, and on the other end, you devalue life and agree with the choice to destroy it according to the desires of wicked women. You are a hypocrite and wicked too. Just be honest about what you are doing though, because you are charged with sacrificing babies to the devil of financial convenience in hope for a more fortunate future. You are charged with this sin just like Stephen the martyr charged the people who didn't touch Jesus with murder. But they voted with the people for his cricifixion, by their voice.

  9. I also think the pro life side should accept the term "anti abortion". We can say we arexoro life, but if someone calls us anti abortion, we should accept it. Most of us are pro life because we recognize life begins at conception and believe it should be protected from Day 1. When you recognize abortion as murder, being called anti abortion should be acceptable


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