July Rising | Full Drama Movie | Alexa Yeames | Johanna Putnam

July Rising – When sixteen-year old Andy inherits her grandfather’s orchard and becomes the ward of her aunt from the city, she …


  1. What is the meaning of this? It seams that if you fight with, you will lose. They take what you have. I think the system is UNFAIR. No way some govt take my proporty and sold it for rich. That is cleancing

  2. I dont get what ryan saw in her. Shes a jerk to him in every way possible. Typical stupid feminist movie. Too bad cuz the acting was so good. it had alot of potential i was dissapointed.

  3. Did not enjoy this movie – angry girl from onset – no happy ending DONT bother. Her friend gets pregnant by the love of her life and knowingly so. Nice friend. As a female – IT IS HER FREINDS FAULT SHEs PREGNANT… entrapment is a crime. Miserable people, poorest of communication and just misery misery misery DONT BOTHER!

  4. Basically an unknown movie, this is a poignant story of a young woman and how she deals with life after a loss. Its excellent ! Warning-> the Below Reviews DO give away details of this movie.

  5. As I started watching this, certain shots of the orchards, roads and mountains looked familiar. This is my home, Lake County. The pears used to be our biggest crop along with walnuts. Sadly the orchards are being pulled out to plant grapes for the vineyards and wine. What a good movie, and filmed in my hometown 💙

  6. I am glad, this sexist did not manage to push inside her "hole" in order to discriminate her with the separation. Guys take this revenge method, but it just hurts themselves, too. I don't really understand the "revenge" within our family reproduction Organ.

  7. As l was watching this it reminded me of what happened in Japan.
    Developers bought up farm land and built massive high rise apartments, only to sell the units and not finish them. The people who paid for and apartment lost their money and the buildings are just taking up ugly space.


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