In These Theaters October 7, 2022: California Regal Aliso Viejo 16 Regal Foothill Towne Center 22 Regal Garden Grove Regal …


  1. Thank you Jesus Christ for this movie may it scare the HELL out of many and lead them into your loving arms CHRIST JESUS amen βš”οΈβ€οΈβœοΈβœοΈβœοΈβ€οΈβš”οΈ

  2. I pray many get saved by this movie and believe that heaven and hell are both real but the choice is left up to you where your going, please make the right choice and remember Satan don't want you only your soul but Jesus Christ wants all of you and he has a home waiting in heaven for you and all his believers πŸ’œ

  3. Many christians will have this fate I'm afraid. Those who hoard wealth, like the pope. Those who turn their backs on their brothers in times of need, like Joel Osteen during the hurricane. And those who voted to ban abortion. Because there's blood on your hands now. Christ won't be able to scrub all the blood off their hands from the women dead with coat hangers in their vagina. The foster care system being overburdened. The sexual assault in foster care is RAMPANT. I hope they're happy with themselves . Theyre no better than the Roman's discrimination against the Christians. Or the Egyptians of the Jews. Imposing their false gods on the true believers. We all deserve choices, not enforcement of our biblical laws. God gave people the right to choose. They can choose his way or not. It's not the job of christianss to govern the of all others. Let people get abortions, hoard their wealth, and turn away their brothers. I will sleep well at night knowing they'll burn in hell, and get what's coming

  4. Just finished watching this movie earlier today.
    Pray that people after seeing this movie will receive Jesus in their heart. Before is too late !!!!

    There is a Hell , literal for real !!!!

  5. In the Bible Revelation’s in the End Times Will be 1/3 people in the world will be go to Hell.

    Why do you think we still have Covid right now ?? Plus monkey-PD.
    Because, God is giving everyone another chance for repent before it’s too late.

  6. Wake up people, Right now we are losing babies and your children and young people dies in { abortion, children killing each other, teenager do the same thing killing or dead by over a drugs , etc. }
    You know the enemy want to take as many people to go Hell with him

  7. Read KJV, bible, revelation chpt. 1, verse 14-, and Romans, chpt. 1, 18-25 verse, Malachi chpt. 1, verse 13, Ezekiel, chpt 25, verse 12-14. Also revelations chpt 13, verse 10.

  8. The only and simplest way to avoid hell is to believe that Jesus, the only man who never sinned, absorbed the anger and punishment of a holy God for our sins as punishment, which included hell for a brief time, so that we could be declared not guilty for all past, present, and future sins. Jesus sinless, perfect life was counted as if we ourselves had lived it and God the Father's love for us shines forth most in Jesus being the perfect sacrifice required for his people not being perfect law-keepers. Saying you don't believe in hell is like saying you don't believe in jails or prisons.


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