In this video Dr Jordan B Peterson expresses his concern about influential people demoralising the youth and how catastrophic its …


  1. Dr. Jordan Peterson is amazing!!! Let the man speak! We need people like him in our f-ed up world we ended up right now, so more intelligent people like him we will have – the faster we fix our shit and evolve as a human race not only technically, but more important – get over that mental evolution barrier that we hit repeatedly for the last 20 years or so…

  2. If Peterson has a fault in his arguments, it’s that he will make a statement about something he considers to be a fact, but doesn’t you where he found the information so you can see for yourself. Some people are sheep and want to accept his word as fact and others want to look and make their own decisions.

  3. There is a man who cares about others. Even those he disagrees with he finds a measure of understanding. God bless this man and I would hope that even people who disagree with him at least give him the same courtesy to try to understand what he is trying to say. Although he is pretty clear about it

  4. I just don't get why we have to see random video footage instead of watching Jordan talk. What does this add to the matter? How is that supposed to increase the value of his words? I find this rather distracting.

  5. I get what this professor is saying but he's saying it to the wrong people. This is coming from someone who's been bullied in high school because I am someone who loves nature and was oriented with nature and didn't have a phone or use social media. I do think those things spoil you and demoralise you for sure.
    You are telling this to the youth because they're vulnerable and easy bait for you. You're making THEM feel guilty. There are some real capitalistic a**holes out there who are developing technology at inhumane rates, and genuinely don't give two f***s about mother earth and her destruction. These guys are the real monsters, money minded, lazy, entitled, manipulative, dangerous imbeciles who should suffer terrible deaths by the grace of God. When we look at a weakened tree, we don't go after the weak leaves or branches, we go after the roots.
    They're the real demoralised people, and are playing their strings mercilessly with today's society. Why don't you go after them? They're the ones who encourage young people to become bullies who hate on nature lovers.
    They're the real people who are the reason for the demoralised, digital tech driven world to be where it is today.
    The fact that you stay sway from those upper high guys, because YOU don't wanna build yourself to get to that level, shows the real coward you are.
    Yes it's a problem, i know it's a problem. But i blame the higher ups always and want to build my life to take them head on, not go after young people. Young people want change, i can see it.

  6. Interviewer: Give us your message in one sentence please?
    Jordan: OK I can do that….. proceeds by spitting out truth sentence after sentence!
    This stuff just doesn't get old, happens all the time with him.
    I remember a question about the bible Tammy asked on stage (I think it was quite recent) and he went on a wild ride and after 10 minutes came back to the question, hilarious!

  7. German
    Frage an Jordan Peterson: Was würden Sie frischen, 18-, 19-jährigen Studenten raten?

    Jordan Peterson: Nicht zu denken, das eigene Streben sei verwerflich. Denn dies ist Teil der Botschaft: Menschliche Wesen seien ein Krebsgeschwür; Dass wir auf eine umwelttechnische Apokalypse zusteuerten; Die gesamte Menschheitsgeschichte sei nichts als eine Gräueltat, usw.
    Jeder mit einem ethischen Ziel wird sich bloß zurückziehen, entwickelt keine Ambitionen, unterstützt patriarchale Strukturen, nutzt die Umwelt aus. Du musst dich selbst vernichten. Du solltest nicht einmal Kinder haben.
    Nein! Dafür gibt es keine Entschuldigung.

    Ich habe einen Professor auf einer Veranstaltung, ähnlich wie diese hier, gesehen. Und als er heraus kam tönte er von seinem scheußlichen umweltfreundlichen Haus, das er gebaut hatte. Das Haus war an sich sehr interessant, doch niemand hat die 4 Millionen, die er nahm, um es zu bauen. Aber ich kritisiere nicht einmal sein Geld, viel mehr – er hatte Geld, schön für ihn, er hat ein Haus gebaut, okay. Das aber als moralischen Wert hinzustellen ist übertrieben!

    Dann sprach er zu all den Kindern: "Meine Frau und ich haben beschlossen, dass wir nur ein Kind haben werden und ich denke das ist eine der ethischsten Taten, die wir überhaupt vollbringen könnten. Und ich rate auch euch sehr stark das Gleiche zu tun." Und ich dachte noch 'Du Arschloch, stellst dich vor diese Kinder hin,' und viele von den Kindern waren Kinder erster Generation von Migranten aus China, während all diese Bilder von diesen furchtbaren Fabriken, diese endlosen Reihen von stereotypen kapitalistischen Machanismen, denen all diese Chinesen untergeordnet sind, gezeigt wurden. 'Du verstehst nicht!'. Die Hälfte des Publikums sieht diese Fabriken und denkt sich, das sei trotzdem noch sehr viel besser als unter Mao im Staub zu liegen.
    Ich weiß nicht, wer er glaubte, wo er sei, aber herauszukommen, vor all diese Kinder und im Grunde zu sagen, dass die ganze menschliche Art so korrupt sei, dass es das Beste wäre, was sie tun könnten, ihre Vermehrung zu limitieren und von sich selbst zu glauben, ein Lehrer und Erzieher zu sein… da habe ich tatsächlich widersprochen und es war sehr unangenehm, als er von der Bühne stapfte. Aber das ist keine Botschaft für junge Leute, dafür gibt es keine Entschuldigung!

    Man könnte denken, naja, wir zerstören den Planeten, wir müssen das tun, wir müssen unsere Jugend demoralisieren, um ethisch zu handeln. Wirklich, ist das deine Theorie, wir müssten junge Menschen demoralisieren, um ethisch zu handeln?! Geh am besten ein ganzes Jahr darüber nachdenken! Und ich werde wütend, denn man weiß nicht, wie viele Leute das tötet, du hast keine Ahnung. Ich sehe Menschen überall auf der Welt, vorallem junge Menschen, besonders junge Menschen mit einem Gewissen, die dermaßen demoralisiert sind, weil ihnen seit sie klein waren erzählt wurde, dass es für sie nichts als Korruption und Macht gäbe. Was für eine verdammte Reaktion kann man da erwarten?

    'Dann sollte ich am besten gar nichts machen, oder?"

    Dr. Peterson über das göttliche, souveräne Individuum.


  8. sometimes Peterson loses balance. We have one thing here: don't bring 10 kids on a crowded planet . Don't have kids at all is something else. Balance is the key. I am sorry for him when he misses that. And sadly he does this on other topics too. Sorry for my poor english, it s my 5th language.

  9. This is how we push back on this nonsense. We MUST stop apologizing. We MUST answer with very direct words and not disclaimer everything. Say it…FIRMLY. If you need to call someone an SOB….DO IT ! They won't fall apart.

  10. Jordan Peterson! Please… you are so smart! And you are wright!.. Lots of times!.. But sometimes not!.. Shit is complicated + Not everybody is like you! Please do not dubble down!! There is nothing to win in this social media arena for a person so intelligent with sutch a vonereble (*?) soul. Put your ego away, go home and love your family, play boardgames, fuck your wife's brains out or something else that you two like to do. And dont carry the freaking world on your shoulders!! Simple mathematics!! Its to heavy!! Fuck!!!

  11. I REALLY wish we could watch him speak without those ridiculous melodramatic and irrelevant vignettes. We lose a lot of the message when we can't see his passionate facial expressions and gestures.

  12. With all his supposed knowledge and his crocodile tears his solution to all the problems of the world is to just keep pushing the limits in all directions until the whole thing collapses…. well what a soldout you are JP, you would rather sustain the corrupted status quo that has you well dressed, flying in jets and eating costly dinners than confronting it, according to this idiot the poor and starving of the world don't matter as long as the elites don't get demoralised, we don't belong in your fancy pants club and never wanted to either JP.

    The frustration of people doesn't come from their teachers, it comes from the certain collective knowledge that the age of revolutions is over and there will not be any more radical changes in the human construct, it's all just a giant downway path to authoritarian slavery for everyone yet you think it's all fine as long as nobody talks about social change or justice because some rich kid might realise his life is just a big prefabricated lie, what a soldout asshole!

  13. You can tell that he knows the damage such ideological thinking does to people and the future generations. He knows it’s a threat and that it harms people in a self destructive way that he has to be the voice of reason to the madness which ensues the world

  14. The left wing simply does not care if anyone is demoralized or if they even kill themselves. Leftists will not lose a minute of sleep. Oh, wait – unless it's a tranny. Then, of course, everything is different, somehow. Leftists are just horrible people and that's no secret.


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