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  1. Back then bro, it was a rough time in this country. We were being torn apart from the inside. It was generational. Fathers shouted at the teenagers to get their asses over to Vietnam and die for their country, and my generation shouting back that we love the country too, but we have no business being over there, and that they were sending our kids there to be sent home in a body bag for something they didn’t believe in. It wasn’t even being called a war. It was called a conflict. It wasn’t called a war until long after it was over. So if our country can’t even do that basic job of calling it a war, then we have no business being there. Moms would watch the evening news every night, just hoping to catch a glimpse of their kids, still alive, and praying not to see them on the list of those who died that day. The Korean War had just ended, and the fathers thought that the kids should do what they did, and go to fight without asking questions. The kids that fled to Canada to avoid the draft were disowned by their fathers as cowards. It was a mess that took a decade to sort out. Thanks bro for the great review as always.🫶🌹


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