Jonathan Edwards performs at the Rose Garden Coffeehouse, Mansfield, Mass. on Saturday, May 17, 2014. For more information …


  1. Jonathan and Tom 
    thanks for creating these songs and posting them so nicely.

    I'm just in tears listening to these timesless classics.

    I'm SO glad to know you're still out there mr . Edwards

  2. Jonathan has had such and impact on my music and I first heard him on Rockin Chair back in '76. Many wonderful memories of his voice and lyrics. Shanty came out in '71 right after I joined the AF. Kinda made a Rebel outa me. LOL

  3. My college days in Burlington VT were filled with Jonathan Edwards wonderful songs…Emma and Sometimes often in the summer as I sipped a beer watching the sun set over Lake Champlain….love lost or love found. I would grow drowsy the more I sipped and feel the waves of his sensitive voice and these lyrics. So glad he transcended his demons and is still at it today…

  4. As a young teen in the 70’s my older brother would leave all his albums in my room whenever he decided to visit home. One of my favorite was yours JE and I would learn the songs on my six string- songs I still remember and play today 45 years later. Emma is a my favorite!

  5. I was up walking my dogs in the woods beautiful crisp sunny day. Ran across a woman and her two children. We chated. Her children were all to eager to tell me of their home town Athens Georgia. Made me think of Jonathon Edwards. Glad he is still above the ground and below the stars. Shanty and Sunshine brought me to these two songs. Glad they are posted. Hard to imagine The songs were written 50 yrs ago.

  6. Jonathan…..I recall sitting in my roommate (Josh Jacobson's) bedroom at 85 Trowbridge St in Cambridge in 1970-71 as you and Jef Labes recorded a final rehearsal before going into the studio for your first album. You sat on the bed and Jef sat at the spinet piano and recorded on a TEAC reel-to-reel with sound-on-sound ability. Does that tape still exist somewhere? These types of sessions occurred often…….with many would-be stars who saw little or no advancement. I remember how THRILLED I was when Sunshine and Shanty became big hits. My favorite though was Train of Glory…..but I recall being surprised that Jef's piano playing wasn't on the final track. How great is it to know that your legacy will be eternal?


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