Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge) is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Twitter: …


  1. Don't want a theological argument, but some might see 1Co 11:26 (esp. 'shew [Gr. kataggello] the Lord's death') as underscoring the Supper as a powerful Gospel tool. Also some might blur the distinction between observing and partaking, hence the division pointed out in this lecture.

  2. I am thoroughly disgusted. Protestants want to whine about satanic popes but give these high faluting Satanists a pass. Justification by faith alone (ignoring faith working through love and charity) soothes the consciousness when you commit genocide and make land grabs.

  3. The New Light/Old Light controversy got out of hand at times.
    My family belonged to the Reformed church at Hackensack New Jersey.
    Feelings had grown so intense on this subject that the church split with each group worshiping at a different time. The later group came in one day and found that all the psalters and collection bags were gone. Enraged they proceeded to tear the church down saving the bricks to build a new one. As the construction neared completion on both churches they each held back on finishing waiting to see how high the other church's steeple would be so they could build their's taller.
    Eight churches left the Classis(Presbytery) and formed a new one.Some failed and others joined the Presbyterians eventually.
    Another argument fueling the fire was the use of the Dutch language in church. The younger people favored the New Lights as well as using English.
    It all seems petty now.

  4. thanks for all the reformed videos brother i used 2 stay away from calvinism but slowly been changin my views on theology and doctrine, and ur page has been really helpful and informing appreciate it!


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