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  1. Praises to our Lord and Savior.
    I looked when He broke the Sixth Seal, and There Was a Great EARTHQUAKE; and the Sun became Black as Sackcloth made of hair, and the Whole Moon Became like Blood, CR MAR 13:24
    But in those days, after that Tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light CR, REV 6:12 JOE 3:15, MAT 24:29, ISA 13:10, EZE 32:7, JOE 32:1 The Sun Shall be Turned INTO Darkness, And the Moon INTO Blood, Before The Great and The Terrible Day of The LORD COME

    Mar 13:26
    And then Shall They See the Son of Man Coming in the Clouds with Great Power and Glory.

    Then the Angel took the censer and Filled it With the Fire of the Altar, and Threw it to the Earth; and there followed peals of Thunder and Sounds and Flashes of Lightning and An EARTHQUAKE. CR REV. 16:18

    REV 8:6
    And the SEVEN Angels which Had the Seven Trumpets Prepared Themselves TO Sound.

    REV 8:7
    The First Angel Sounded, and there Followed HAIL and Fire Mingled with Blood, and they were Cast upon the Earth: and the Third Part of Trees was Burnt Up, and ALL Green Grass Was Burnt UP.

    REVELATION 11:13
    And IN that Hour There Was a Great EARTHQUAKE, and a Tenth of the City Fell; Seven Thousand people Were Killed in the Earthquake, and the Rest were Terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven

    REV 11:14
    The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

    REV 11:15
    And the Seventh ANGEL Sounded; and there Were Great Voices in Heaven, saying, The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall Reign for Ever and Ever.

    REVELATION 16:18
    And there were Flashes of Lightning and Sounds and peals of Thunder; and There Was A Great Earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so Great an EARTHQUAKE was it, and So Mighty CR REV 8:5


  2. Yes I love your service I love you Pastor Jake's I have a question for you prayerfully somebody will get me an answer Jesus loves all people I'm a mixed-raced woman I want your services and I'm so happy to see that there are so many dark skinned brothers and sisters but as I said I am a mixed-race woman so I have white in me as well I don't see many white people in your services I just wondered why


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