Commentary on John MacArthur’s “hard cessationism”. This is a follow up video concerning John MacArthurs cessationist …


  1. This is a subject that DEMANDS more attention and clarification. Great video! I came out of extreme charismania with the aid of men in the reformed camp and owe them a debt of gratitude. However, their extreme views on the outright denial of the gifts or the infilling of the Holy Spirit for the church today is indeed dangerous and possibly even heretical. I have heard Justin Peters say things that sound like blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Attributing things he disagrees with to the demonic! I know there are definitely demonic manifestations happening, masquerading as the Holy Spirit, but not all of them, Justin! I have seen these YouTube channels from former charismatics who have turned hard line reformed now, and it grieves me. They go from blindly following Benny Hinn to blindly following John McArthur! Can no one just think for themselves? If every apple at the market is rotten, does that, in turn, mean that all apples everywhere are now rotten? Or maybe apples don't exist anymore? They used to, but not anymore. These men who proclaim the all sufficiency of scripture have ZERO scripture to back up cessationism, and they even admit that fact. They then turn to the most outrageous and absurd abuses of the gifts of the Spirit and claim THAT is the proof of cessationism. Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Bill Johnson, false prophecy after false prophecy is the proof. So suddenly, no scripture is needed to back up my doctrine, just bad apples. Is that not experience driven itself? Are they not simply relying on their own personal experiences with false prophets and fake gifts to form a conclusion without a single verse of scripture to support it? I could go on and on, but…….
    Im simply heartbroken over the condition of the church today! It's a mess! God have mercy on us! God save us and heal us, your people, and give us light, Lord. We need You desperately oh God. Have mercy, Lord.


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