John G Lake's Insight regarding the Secret Place

The Secret Place- with insight from John G Lake Please like, subscribe, and share. Information on partnership below Part of the …


  1. Amen brother only just started listening to you. I have found my greatest growth through the secret place have been a Christian for years and have struggled with this but I had a breakthrough in 2019. Am reading GODS generals book right now. Bless you and your ministry

  2. The secret hidden place is “The Treasure Of The Lord”

    The Earth Is The Lords And In The Fullness There Of

    Trumpeting BOOM of the (silent) Drum ringing like a Bell

    Holy Voice that Calls sacred Sound of the Most Highs breathed Voice

    the physically felt Presence of Gods breathed BOOMING voice

    The HOLY SOUND of God
    The sacred silent sound that descends booming from above heard with spirits ear that is larger than the sky above and
    Physically felt externally

    The breathed voice of God
    booming descending from above

    Felt On the top of and above the head booming down through the body

    “O” be lifted Up

    “Ancient of Gate “


    Curses an Blessings from The Most High are the rules of the board.

    I You have a Crown
    💫🌀⭕️ that is a Glorious Gate.

    My father give it to YOU and promises everyone with Faith in the Holy Christ Lord Jesus .

    “The Everlasting Crown of Life”.

    Psalm 24

    David asks for the Ancient of Gate to be lifted up
    So that the King of Glory can come in.

    The Lord mighty in battle

    The Lord Almighty…

    “O” Be lifted up Ancient of Gate.
    Be lifted up !!!


    So the King of Glory can come in …

    I believe ☝️💯%

    Jesus wanted the water baptism from John
    to fore fill Prophecy

    I also see a comparison between Jesus washing the feet 🦶 of his closest.

    Then saying if you love me, you will wash 🧽 🦶

    The feet of each other as I have done for you

    This is what I ask of you if you follow me.

    Another similarly comparative story where man prepares a type of holy ark sanctioned by God, to carry life a cross water 💦
    “the deluge “

    Noah and all aboard given All of the Lords blessings

    Through the washing and drying of the ark
    By God

    Noah prepared the ark for 120 yrs

    through the baptism

    “man” and animals escaped a demonic angelic manipulated environment

    And was given a new beginning along with all the accompanying blessings…

    John a man,
    who prepared for Jesus by water baptism.

    Also there is the baptism by cloud and ark

    that carried the Jews a cross the desert for 40 yrs a supernatural 🖐 a covering, with all of the blessings.

    Man prepare through water 💦 and walking with God towards his Will

    The Holy Spirit

    he the King of Glory

    Come and breath his Holy Spirit into you..

    “O” Be Lifted Up “O” Be LiftedUp

    “Ancient of Gate”

    Be lifted up

    So that the King of Glory can come in

    Who is the King of Glory

    The Lord Mighty In Battle


    Ambassadors of Christ are truly Kings
    of the Lord Almighty

    serving Jesus Christ the One ☝️
    who sit on the Throne of David,

    right hand 🖐 of God … Holy Kings of The LORD ALMIGHTY .

    King’s of Christ Jesus, with Lord Jesus Covering and Authority

    God bless






    🔥🌪🌬💨✝️☁️ ☁️

    ☁️🔔⛅️ 🌬✝️🎵🌨🌨

  3. Something I have been wondering if anyone can answer this: so I've been hearing of the secret place alot lately,
    Like what is the secret place though? Like is it when you pray (because I feel this is when I feel God speaking to me intimately? Can you be in the secret place while reading the bible (because sometimes I feel like I'm just reading it but not understanding it, so how can I be In the secret place at all times and hear his voice in all situations)?

    Or is the secret place a relationship with God where his presence is around us? But I feel like then when I do something, like daily things (my focus exerts off of God and I feel a little distant from him).

    I know it is achievable to be in the secret place at all times because of the verse that says (they follow the lamb wherever they go).

    So I'm guessing being in the secret place means being in the spirit? Or praying in the spirit?

    How can I stay in the spirit at all times? Like I notice that when I pray I feel filled with the Holy spirit, but then when i divert my attention to a need/want, I feel a little different? How can i always be filled? Is that something God will just show me as i pray to him more or do you guys have an answer?

  4. One day on earth here soon I hope we talk about the Lord and not about how grandiose is how beautiful how Eyes have not seen who he is and we get it we get to spend eternity with him and we want everybody to come

  5. I love this topic the secret place the holy of holy‘s draw nigh to God he draws nigh to you and imparts to you His Glory in the secret place I love it man you’re doing amazing job God bless you

  6. When I read Psalm 91 & Isaiah trying to understand & get a definition of what the “SECRET PLACE” & what “WAITING” on the Lord really is.

    So, I was lead in prayer, to look at the words right around those particular words in the surrounding verse(s).
    So, according to the Word, what is the “SECRET PLACE”? The next verse reveals it….
    I will “SAY” OF THE LORD….Wow!
    It’s in speaking agreement with the 2 witnesses of His Word:

    1]Holy Spirit Tongues of Fire & 2] Confessing the Word of Truth (out-loud).

    So, with that in mind…what is this “WAITING” on the Lord, spoken of in Isaiah? In those verses you see him describe 2 sides of the eagles WINGS which look kind of like this (only this symbol is upside down)
    Then I saw it!! It’s a SOUND FREQUENCY! 〰️

    And besides eagles WINGS, what else kinda looks like this?
    LIPS! Both sides of our lips & both sides of eagles wings are like 2 parts that make a whole, & joined together —allow you to rise above our adversary, the devil—who is the prince of the power of the AIR.

    These 2 frequencies of God coming together are His 2 witnesses.
    One side is:
    1] praying in the Holy Spirit (Tongues) of fire
    and other side is:
    2] speaking agreement with His Word of Truth…out loud! 〰️

    —hope this is as much of a blessing to you as it was when the Holy Spirit revealed it to me.

    “Open your mouth wide….and let (Him) fill it!”

    (Jude 1:20-21)


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