John G Lake's Insight Into How to be Extraordinary for God

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  1. Thank you for your message of encouragement. Please pray for me.
    My life living with lupus and heart disease has it’s ups and downs. I’m in a lot of pain swollen joints, fevers out of nowhere and fatigue are just a few, because of my condition I declined the vaccine, and was fired over my decision. Since than I’ve been struggling to provide for myself and my two autistic children. Every month is a struggle. My husband passed away three years ago, so I’m all alone. I have no family nor friends. My situation already has me down, We are facing eviction this month. I’m in constant fear we are going to end up on the streets. I’m so embarrassed because of my situation. I have no family nor friends to help me, I have been mocked and laughed at over my circumstances, but I have nothing but Faith that God will provide for me and my children.

  2. Thank you my brother, the more I watch your teaching, the more the Spirit is stirring me. I've been a bit idle the past couple of years, not from the Bible meditation, but from attending church.❣🙏😊

  3. The best thing you can do if you are in a desperate place is to start worshipping God everyday. St. John 4:24 says the Father is looking to such a person. To focus on that persons need and work things out for them. Your flesh will not want to do it, but do it anyway.

  4. Someone needs to hear this Oh Lord! God almighty! I magnify your name! Yahweh I give you all the glory for my life! Forgive my sins and my un confessed sins Lord! L0rd I want more of you and less of me! I thank you for your pr0tection! I am truly blessed and highly favored I sit in heavenly places and I am the son of a mighty King! I love you Jesus! Lord I pray for those wh0 don't know you in an intimate way that they will humble themselves and come to know you on bending knees asking for their forgiveness's ! Father I bind the spirit of pride! I cut it off at the head and send it back to the pit of hell in which it has come from! I release love, kindness, patience, humility in the name 0f Jesus! I followed my heart and I am glad I did. I l0st my wife two years ag0 due t0 the pandemic and I was about giving up, knowing God has brought me this far was for a purpose and I kept on looking on to him. My destiny helper was sent t0 me the year my wife died. The moment I was about giving up, I was introduced to a business by a man I met at a seminar I went to at Florida. This was not my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 1000 USD and it was worth it information@markhanfarmer, COM , four weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the m0ney for Gods work. I am very popular in Mississippi. Doing God's work always give me JOy. There is peace and joy in my mind. I am here to motivate you and tell you never t0 give up even though the situation seems so though, God has promised his children and he will surely d0 what he has promised.


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