Like Paul let us press on that we might KNOW HIM. In this hour we need to develop an intimacy with Jesus through prayer and the …


  1. That's ironic. At 21:00 you mention splinters in our hands. Well, it just so happens that I have no less than three painful splinters in my hand from work today, and I'm having trouble getting them out.

  2. Beautiful Truth! Oh Saints may our eyes be opened to KNOW the soul is the faculty of choice. What would a man give in exchange for his soul (Choice) if he loses it? When we yield to the soulical nature we lose our choice to the one to whom we yielded our members service to.
    We then become legally entangled where our resolve is suspended to the repetitious, unstable heart wrenching addiction dragging us over and over into its sinful demands. Though born again, the compromised Christian, much against his own will returns again and again like a newly washed sow to the mire and a dog to its own vomit. We are captive to what we yield ourselves to. The only way to be set free is to CONFESS your sin and receive Jesus' precious blood making a petition for cleansing, releasing and renewing of the mind that we may once again have our eyes opened to know what is that good, perfect and acceptable will of God.
    Then we wait for a judgment in our favor which we ALWAYS receive from Him. When it comes the desire for that which we have yielded ourselves servants to will be broken from our necks. Refreshing, renewal will come from the Spirit. Now comes the renewal of the mind where we may once again
    Hear it, See it, Say it, Believe (Act on) it and finally to receive it.
    Oh the wonder of His glorious Majesty who gave us a Perfect Plan and Covenant that cannot fail if we will but only believe!

    Robert Pears, thank you for your obedience. You are a rare teacher of His gospel!


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