1. I am through with everything except the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. I am encouraged to pursue a walk of faith and deny access to the one of sight. Thank you for sharing this amazing biography of a man of God who understood what Faith is. Bless you

  2. Lord we need what John G Lake walked in as well as Smith Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth Eder, Saint Patrick, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, William Branum, Joseph of Copertino Madame Guyon, Enoch, Saint Paul who all walked as Christ did Pour it out on this generation in this coming “The 3rd Great Awakening” & “Billion Soul Harvest” in United States of America it’s our only Hope to change the corse of our country from communism or even worse. All of this is in Jesus Christ.

  3. No jo, sister Elisabeth I am encouaraged again and again by faith by those love and faith charged stories. To hear them from a MD person builds me up hugely the least to say!!!The story of Ticer and Jusus brings hope and a shout to the only One we love and admire. Once Austria was also the leader of faith and a genuine revival. Then the government back in 16 and 17 centuries brought a certain convent( probably you know which one)and the true christians bagged them and those cold blooded monks to allow them to continue the Jesus way but they were kicked out of Austria and others were prisoned. Today our Austria is more dead spiritually than even the people in cementary. That was the end of the biggest revival in Europe! Today everything is controlled and monitored. Keep praying for our Austria and Europe! I know for sure Jesus loves the few in Europe who didn't bow or kiss the Baal of deadness and doubt a big time. We need your knees down here cos on knees we are taller than trees!

  4. This is folklore, John G. Lake was a heretic, fraud and false prophet. There is so much evidence proving these stories are just that, fabrications. Take care and seek the truth.


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