John G. Lake: The "God's General" Con Artist and Fraud

John Graham Lake (1870-1935) was a “faith healer” and Pentecostal revivalist. From 1908 to 1913, he served as a missionary to …


  1. This is the guy the created prayer rooms that many in the nar and charasmatic church uses, many dont know of his poor character and bad doctrines.
    Buyer beware of churches to use prayer rooms, many in pentecostal religion lift this mans name up and do not know of the falsehoods.
    Good info to know these men were greedy even back then.

  2. Here in my area I personally know a pastor who has a John Lake healing room ministry, They charge their students to attend their classes,s however, a few years back that pastor had surgery for an ongoing problem that his prayers did not heal, a few of his elders and members also have had surgery for problems that were not healed in the prayer room. I cannot say for sure, the pastor is a businessman, it looks more like he uses the ministry for the tax breaks, and people for sure do not get healed there.
    From what I have first hand observed over the years while I was active in these types of ministries they were used to hide money. Now they are used to promote political candidates, who promise them more tax breaks. Also, all of these ministries flow with the NAR and Kansas City prophets.
    I know that God still heals people, I do not deny that, however scripture is clear about how we are to go to the Elders in our own churches, and not seek faith healers who make a living off prayer rooms. James 5:14-20 King James Version 14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
    Thank you for your ministry for exposing these false prophets and teachers, who have hurt the believing Body of Christ. Have a blessed weekend.

  3. It seems that every preacher of divine healing has his faithful followers and his detractors, as well as Jesus of Nazareth, which makes me think more and more that the image we have of Jesus is completely constructed by our Western teachers and religious leaders and sustained by we believers. Each looking for his own benefits.
    But the truth was always the same: Reality, what it really is…
    And if we transfer "the power of God to work miracles and heal" to today, this is the result: Branham, Dowie, Lake, Bosworth, etc.
    So it makes me think that the image of Jesus that we have built in our minds is a mere mental construction, idealized, sustained by us, by our needs.
    We make the same mistake idealizing Branham, Bosworth, Lake, Dowie, etc, as idealizing Jesus.
    We can live our whole lives idealizing people and bumping into reality all the time… Until one of our children or grandchildren decides to search for and discover the truth in reality.

  4. Regardless of what he did back then, his method of healing WORKS. I studied his ministry years ago, applied his methods, and instantly saw several people healed. Still seeing folks healed today. Before studying his method, i saw nobody healed by my prayers. So i would imagine those I've seen God heal since then, are thrilled i followed what he said. Because he did some things wrong or ungodly, doesn't make everything he did wrong or false.

  5. People will always be on the hunt for someone who appears to be moving in the supernatural. Jesus taught and preached that His followers who believe will do the same works He and His disciples did. But let's be real for a second – the majority of churches are totally UN-supernatural. And sadly they come up with 101 excuses why it's not happening. Not good.


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