John G Lake On The Authority of the Believer

John G Lake On The Authority of the Believer In This episode we look at insight from John G Lake on the Authority of the Believer.


  1. Sins Committed After Salvation
    Posted on July 25, 2013
    (word given to sister Barbra from 278Pikelk youtube channel)
    Building your life with bricks of Me means taking down the bricks of your world. When you choose to follow Me, you will replace the things of this world that comprise your life. You will replace those things with Me. As much as you think you might be missing out or bored when you start turning from the things of this world, think again. There is nothing boring about your Creator. Satan lets you use every excuse, like following Me will not fit into your life. If you have not begun your journey with Me yet, I implore you, begin it now. There is not time to take in making the decision. You can make the decision to follow Me, and I will help you with the rest, just do not delay. Become a child of Mine, not a child of this world. Hell is real and so is Heaven. I created Heaven for all of My children. Your righteousness is not achieved on your own. My righteousness falls upon you like a beautiful robe when you seek Me and find Me. The beautiful robe of My righteousness covers all sin. Do not believe Satan’s lies. The beautiful robe of My righteousness resolves sin. My death took place for sinners, as all of My children once were, sinners, born into sin, born into flesh. Just as the works of the flesh are as filthy rags to Me, the sin of the saved are as filthy rags to Satan. Not that he doesn’t love them, but he cannot claim them as his own. They are sin caused by him, but he cannot count them and accuse My children in My Royal Court because their penalty has already been paid. Don’t you see, My children? Don’t you see, lost ones? Just because you’ve become My child, you don’t miraculously quit sinning. You must let Me rebuild you brick by brick. The more you fight this rebuilding process, the longer it takes for Me to rebuild you into who I made you to be. When you cling to things of this world it is quite simple, you are clinging to sin. Let go of this world. Seek Me, if you have not begun to now. If you’ve already found Me, let Me have your whole heart 100 percent, in its entirety, so I can rebuild it into a child of Mine, not a child of this world.

  2. There may be some controversy in mel gibson's movie the passion of christ, but one thing is not a controversy and that is being IN Christ.Β  If you are you would know it. Its like being hit with lightning.

    Are You In Christ?

    The Bible says, In Jesus was Life: and the Life was the Light of men. John 1:4
    Do you know if you are In Christ. It is called being saved being
    born again, receiving Jesus. The only way for you to be "In Christ",
    is to let Christ be "in you". In other words you need to receive
    Jesus as your Lord and savior. When you receive Him into your heart
    and believe in Him, He gives you His Life and you become united to Him.
    Just confess that Jesus is your Lord and believe that He rose from the
    dead to make you righteous and you will be saved (Romans 10:9,10).
    When you do this, this is some of the things God will make and give
    you In Christ!!!!

    1. I am a New Creation. 2 Cor. 5:17.
    2. I am Delivered. Col. 1:13.
    3. I am Righteous. 2 Cor 5:21.
    4. I am Sanctified. Heb. 10:14.
    5. I have Boldness, Access. Eph. 2:18, 3:12.
    6. I have Eternal Life. John 3:36.
    7. Always Triumph. 2 Cor. 2:14.
    8. Can do all things in Christ. Phil 4:13.
    9. Christ, my wisdom. 1 Cor 1:30.
    10. Blessed with all Blessings. Eph 1:3.
    11. Needs met by God. Phil 4:19.
    12. Have Freedom. Rom. 8:2.

    With Christ

    1. Was Crucified. Galat. 2:20
    2. Died. Col. 3:3, Rom 6:3.
    3. Was Buried. Rom 6:4, Col 3:12.
    4. Was made Alive. Eph. 2:5, Col 2:13.
    5. Conquered with Christ. Col 2:15, Heb. 2:14.
    6. Was Raised. Ephes. 2:5, Col. 3:1.
    7. Was Seated. Ephes.2:6.

    More and more believers are recognizing the fact that Satan is
    defeated as far as the believer is concerned.
    He was not conquered by the beliver; he was conquered by Christ for
    the believer in His Substitutionary Work. The Victory Christ wrought
    belongs to the believer, because we were identified with Christ in
    His Substitutionary work.
    Right there in the presence of all the hosts of darkness, Jesus
    conquered the Prince of Darkness.

    Collossians 2:15 says, He conquered principalities and powers and
    made a shew of them openly. Now this is what I want you to notice:
    This was an Eternal victory.
    Satan was eternally broken, conquered.
    Did you notice how Peter puts it? 1 Peter 5:8 "He goes about as a
    roaring lion, whom resist steadfast in the faith.
    Our combat has been fought and won.
    There isn't any battle for you to fight except the battle of faith.
    What does that mean? You are to win all your victories with Words.
    You learn the Words of this Wonderful Book, and with Words, you will
    conquer the enemy.
    You see your combat is not against flesh and blood, as the Spirit
    tells us in Ephesians 6:12, but it is against the defeated
    principalities and powers. These principalities and powers have all
    been conquered. Their defeat is spoken of in Hebrews 9:12 as an
    Eternal Redemption from them.
    You are Eternally set free.
    They are eternally whipped, conquered. You get your liberty by
    remembering these words and acting accordingly.
    Can't you see what it means? That satan knows he is whipped but he
    doesn't want you to know it. He wants to keep you in ignorance of

  3. Amen…. God of abraham isaac and Israel, I pray for peace and stability in mylife… I decree and declare salvation and victory, I crimson myself in your blood O God and the blood of the lamb … IN Jesus name Amen


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