He is the head , we are the body, think of a Christmas tree the brightest light is at the head the top, and the lights get dimmer as you go down the body, the further away you are from the head,…..Amen…and sometimes when 1 light goes out it takes 5 with it …?
Yes cast out the spirit and repentance immediately and take down strong holds by name ..mind binding spirits . .with you're authority ?and they leave give it to the Lord.. AMEN ?
Thank you for your insightful message my beautiful warrior brother in Christ. I pray our Lords shalom blessing on you yours and your ministry in the mighty name above all names the name of YESHUA. Amen ?? ✝️⚔️?❤️?
None of this works a part from ASCETICISM. Your body won't submit to the Holy Spirit apart from fasting/praying regularly in most cases. Especially for singles. This is why John Cassian and early christian monastics taught fasting on one large meal a day, combined with manual labor and a prayer rule. I wish western christians would start incorporating the teachings of EARLY disciples and not just post reformation teachers.
I want to hear more!
Thank You,God bless You more.
He is the head , we are the body, think of a Christmas tree the brightest light is at the head the top, and the lights get dimmer as you go down the body, the further away you are from the head,…..Amen…and sometimes when 1 light goes out it takes 5 with it …?
Yes cast out the spirit and repentance immediately and take down strong holds by name ..mind binding spirits . .with you're authority ?and they leave give it to the Lord.. AMEN ?
Aloha Brother Robert Pears?Thank You Jesus for the message and Prayers?? God Bless You and Your House??
I wasn’t able to watch live.., I’m sure Thankful to God for the replay Praise Jesus ??????
love your videos so much. I want more of you God ?
Another great message. Hallelujah.
This word truly spoke to my heart. God bless you
Thank you…truly a blessing.
Thank you for your insightful message my beautiful warrior brother in Christ. I pray our Lords shalom blessing on you yours and your ministry in the mighty name above all names the name of YESHUA. Amen ?? ✝️⚔️?❤️?
None of this works a part from ASCETICISM. Your body won't submit to the Holy Spirit apart from fasting/praying regularly in most cases. Especially for singles. This is why John Cassian and early christian monastics taught fasting on one large meal a day, combined with manual labor and a prayer rule. I wish western christians would start incorporating the teachings of EARLY disciples and not just post reformation teachers.
Thank you! I had the passage about the sower today, and lately been thinking about walking in the Spirit.
Roland Buck angels on assignment book.
Leroy Jenkins
The Jonathan Kleck .
The angel of the church of Philadelphia with the key of David love in revelation 3:7 -13
This is not John G Lake. Click bait mate.
Praying to be consumed by God…dude Get on a real bible first
How do we take captive of our thoughts!
Thankful for your faithfulness and insight
God bless You!!! Holy Spirit confirmed His now message to me about dwelling in His secret place using this message….. #rewatch this weekly… ❤❤❤