When this message was given, it was in answer to a question presented to Dr. Lake asking him to address the Sabbath day.


  1. I love this man, but i dont agree on that. What is sin? Should we as Spirit filled persons sin? I dont think so. Jesus didnt abolish the torah – he brought it in a higher level. I think we have a eternal God what dont speak void. He is eternal and holy – so also his words are eternal and holy.
    I think a God Spirit filled man worship God 24/7. Its just about the day we can rest from work. God wrote this with His finger. As Jesus made all 3 pilgrim feasts He also hold shabath.
    The torah is a definition what is a sin and we should not sin.
    But this is my point of view.

  2. Jesus is indeed our Sabbath. The ordinances that were against us were the things added to and taken away from God's word, not the Word of God that will never pass away Heaven and earth shall pass away but his Word/ Torah / instructions will never pass away. He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Jesus said the only sign that would be given was the sign of Jonah. 3 Days and Three nights in the earth as Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days and nights. Try and get three days and nights from Dagon fish God Friday to Eastar Fertility Goddess Sunday. Not even common core can make that add up
    Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and was crusified on a Wed. afternoon and rose on Sat. just before sundown. 3 days and 3 nights. Jesus can not lie. Just as Tabernacles will be required during the 1000 reign of Christ so will the correct Sabbath be observed by all. We are to rest in him everyday and do the same works he did I understand, but if truth matters a Sungod worship .Sun day, first day of the week worship will not stand up to scriptural scrutiny. God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it. That will never change. Blessings in Jesus name.


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