John G Lake and the Offense of the Cross

A Cloud of Witnesses Series- John G. Lake and the Offense of the Cross Please like and Subscribe “You look at the cross and …


  1. What is little spoken of was that Jesus and his father ( GOD ) had never been separated – but our sins had caused GOD to turn away from looking at his son – to my mind that would have been worse for Jesus than what he was suffering at that moment – for that we have to be ever grateful.

  2. John G Lake as well as Alexander Dowie were false teachers , healers . They both were crooks and thieves. Dowie claimed to be the prophet Elijah reincarnated. Folks, do not be deceived! Don't be so quick to follow a MAN, but especially a MAN that claims to be of God, that follows such as Lake, Dowie and Rodney Howard Brown.


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