Discover how your inner energy works! John Edward is one of the country’s most renowned psychic mediums. For three decades …


  1. I lost my eldest girl, 33, through the negibility of a dr I believe. I struggle to live without her everyday. I miss her so much she was my soul mate it wasn't fair that she died this way. Is she ok is she close? I love her so much

  2. I respect John Edwards above all! By My second year after my husband passed , I finally stopped staring at the front door, still expecting him to walk in.. and John is right …you got to honor ur Grief , and celebrate the love , memories.. including the pettiness of the blown out disagreements ..left for you to contemplate, laugh, and share.. in the healing .. ur creating more memories..

  3. Thank you for having John Edward on your show He is such a wonderful person and always so sharing and caring. This is a keeper! Regardless of how long it has taken me to find this.

  4. 1/1/2025 here. "No one dies alone" This video shows up in my feed. I have always been fascinated by John Edward so I eagerly clicked on. Last January, I lost my husband, and the year before, my mom passed. My biggest take away from this was " no one dies alone"
    That meant the world to me because I was not present at either one's time of death, and I've always regretted that so much!

  5. This beautiful this son a beautiful living ❤❤aim giving him foreffer loving this giving vrom a frend you and you vrouw this moment never verget this beauty aan its a angel and you aim standing this GOD BLESSING YOU AND YOU FAMELY A WORD DOCUMENT YOU NEVER ALLONG SON AIM WAKING OVER YOU

  6. yes John is a Psychic and listens to the dead's messages. But his real gift is the compass he has on life. I learn so much from him every time I listen to him as to how to live and release my doubts and confusion. Thanks John!

  7. I didn't go to grief counseling, because for me…..they just weren't in touch with what really happens… could they be? In just a few sentences…..John expressed that he gets it. It has been 4 years and yet it was just yesterday. Every day is a struggle and a lesson on how to live.

  8. Isn't it funny how humans look to other humans for approval? You would think that something as important as reality, people would think for themselves, without the shackles and conditions of other humans. Why give them that kind of power? As for me, there is no one on this planet that has the authority to grant or deny me permission to explore who I really am, and the God of my understanding.

  9. Thanks! Love John Edwards,, he is brilliant and real! Was a watcher of Crossing Over back in the day. Actually scored tickets to a show but could not afford to go to NY, ha ha. Missed him after show ended and soooo happy to be able to follow him again. Thanks so much for this great interview, much love!❤ Deb P

  10. My late husband and I loved spotting Blue Herons in our area near creeks or rivers. I'm a bird watcher, he just loved birds. He started off one day spotting what he thought was a crane. I took pictures and later looked the bird up to find it was a Blue Heron. Since his passing I occasionally see them and I feel it's him say hi. I talk to him and tell him I miss him. There's more but I'll stop here for now ❤.

  11. I'm also a long-time John Edward watcher. Never had a reading from John but always love to watch others get read. He has a way of telling his truth. Will always watch and believe in his abilities and will be grateful for him taking his time to teach us things to be aware of in this human life. Thank you John for all you do.

  12. I use to hear voices. I couldnt understand them or it. It was like a radio and someone turning the dial. (Echoey) I thought everbody had this. It doesnt happen to me anymore and i never told anyone till now

  13. My husband was killed in an accident, brutally just two days after my birthday and before Christmas this last month. It's now been a month since he was taken from our family, and we are broken. Thank you for this interview. We are lost and scattered and something genuine like this is everything. I don't know if we will heal. People are insensitive and cruel at times, and so we grieve quietly…together, mostly I feel like silently in our own minds.

  14. I am sorry for your losses. Try to be gentle on your self you went through a lot. It's ok😢to grieve and there is no time set. Maybe a little walk in nature or a meditation group. 🧘‍♀️ you will be OK. We have to walk through the grief to get to the other side. God bless

  15. Psychic Medium Here… at appx. 52 minutes… John is talking about a "Psychic Dictionary". All of us have different meanings for each symbol and spirit learns your ways and then they talk to you that way. For instance, if you think about Santa. I may think Christmas, Christmas day, presents, joy… But for you it may mean sadness because you had someone pass away on Christmas. What I did first starting out with symbols is built an entire psychic dictionary with common things, say numbers. That had kind of agreed upon meanings, and then built my internal dialogue and memorization around that so as to help me initially start and understand what something would mean.

    There isn't necessarily a "program" yet to develop your dictionary but I am developing one but there will be many things that are unique to you regardless. You may see a hummingbird and think of your grandma and I may see a cardinal and think of my grandma. Whatever relates to you is how they will try to communicate with words, symbols, signs, flashes/messages, feelings. For instance this developed for me in a reading. I felt pain in my right side, and someone's daughter died of sudden onset liver issue. So now, when I feel that pain for someone else, I know right away it has to do with the liver. Some is practice and work when you are developing your abilities and your dictionaries can also change over time based on your experiences.

    Just wanted to clarify for anyone interested.


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