John Alexander Dowie's Tithing Scheme

Though the tithing system was part of the Old Covenant Law and was not part of the early Christian communities, many …


  1. I’m No Pastor And Don’t Condone The Prosperity Gospel Movement But Wasn’t Tithing 10% Established Under Grace When Abraham Tithed To Melchezedeck ?

  2. I always hated it when pastors said "tithe means tenth" – because if you only save a tenth of your income due to high expenses, and you gave it all away that would mean you're working a whole year for the guy who doesn't really care about you that much. If you're rich – fine – you can give wherever you want.

  3. I have only heard of tithing to the church, not pastors. And yes pastor gets paid from it along with all building and running costs. Personally I appreciate my situation here in UK Methodist Church. All ministers get the same basic stipend with limited allowances for those in senior roles (compare to bishops though we don't have that term). Churches in an area work as a circuit, ministers serve usually a couple of churches, and everyone can look at accounts to see how much it costs per minister and all other costs. So they know their church running costs, minister cost proportion per church and a bit towards head office of the denomination. No debating salaries locally, no option to financially encourage a certain minister to a certain location.

  4. What resources would you recommend to help one study the tithing practice of the Old Testament as well as the giving practices of Protestant churches prior to Dowie/Pentecostalism? I ask because pulling together all the details of giving in the Old Testament can be challenging for some – an over-view would be handy.

  5. I look for an upload from u Bro. Collins daily…I've tried to witness to 2 people from the Brahnam cult I came out of in Alabama and ice been told I'm devisive and in danger for nit believing the prophet…I've been told I'm operating under a wicked spirit…They told me they wouldn't hear anything I had to say even if it's scripture! They said send it to their pastor and stop bringing confusion and division lol…I did it in a good spirit everything I said and lovingly and I believe with wisdom because I asked for the Lord's help in doing so…I didn't want me to get in the way so I just prayed that the Lord would use me to try and present evidence along with kindness…Nope…They were not having it…Your right, they have no critical thinking that is allowed that's why I should send anything I have to say to my former pastor AKA their Pope…Why can't they listen to evidence without fear? I see why now…The pastorbhas to control everything they hear , say and see it seems and it's most likely because they will wake up if they get any outer influence…

  6. Baptist churches are stuck on tithing too. My sister attended a baptist church some years ago and the pastor got up and preached on tithing and then passed out an ENTIRE box of tithing envelopes to everyone in the congregation! My sister felt horrible because at the time she didn’t even have any income of her own. Her husband was the bread winner and she didn’t feel she had the right yo take from his. So it goes on almost everywhere now. I just give what I want. People don’t need to think they know how much we make because we are giving ten percent. It’s hard to get out of that brainwashing tho! It’s been indoctrinated in me since a child! From the baptist churches. At least I know now where it got started.

  7. I was shocked when I found out tithing was an Old Testament thing and not for now! It's easy to see why so many different cults and religions want to keep it going! They rake in the money and then eat their bacon cheeseburgers!

  8. Plymouth brethren ex member, precious Brother of many of our's was just acquitted because Christ Jesus Sets captives free from the Lie's and deception.
    Yorkshire Evening Post
    Leed's man ACCUSED by son of harassment after claims-
    Not to mention how much money was given by the government to Plymouth brethren for PPE contracts.
    This is why I've been sharing with you about The Plymouth Brethren & the initial connection's with other businessmen long ago, and the Lie's and deception continue to be exposed by TRUTH.
    Marcus Lamb used the same money the news has repeatedly shown for a plane, vacation.
    Marcus repaid the government then, passed away from covid, like many other False teacher's False prophets False brethren.
    It's not good to lie against The Holy Spirit
    more important, The Gospel of Christ Jesus is not a business, it's why many peddle The Word for greedy gain making merchandise of their follower's, no different than many of us that were slaves of corruption making much profit for our master's-
    Or Else!

  9. Guess newspapers are more authentic to the unbeliever, than to the Book known to those that would be saved as The Holy Bible!
    You might as well place what John is doing here as a newspaper.
    Pro 20:19 "He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips:"

    Pro 16:27 "An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.

    Pro 16:28 "A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

    Pro 16:29 "A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good."
    What work that he is doing daily is what Proverbs is describing above.
    Pro 29:5 "A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet."
    I wonder if his followers have any wisdom to discern the difference???

  10. As a Pentecostal, I can verify that very little of what was said here is true. The Church of God (Cleveland, Tn.) encourages tithing but does not require it. I have sat under 5 ordained ministers, over 20+ years, in two different Churches of God and the fact is tithing is seldom mentioned. When it is mentioned, it is always voluntary and always a work of faith between an individual and God.
    The New Covenant, established by Jesus, is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant in which tithing is first instituted. The Apostle Paul, in Galatians indicates, what the law did not establish could not be abolished with the law. Abraham represents the works of faith which existed before the law. John 8:39 "Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham."
    In the CoG the Pastor's salary is guided by the size of the congregation and totally unaffected by the amount of tithes collected. And if anyone takes a legalistic approach to the Scriptures, Jesus did say we ought to tithe. (See Matt 23:23.)
    I suggest the same thing every Pentecostal preacher I've ever heard say: "Read the Scriptures for yourselves." It's far too easy to be misled, even by people that mean well. Tithing is one of the very few topics where God said, "Prove me." Tithing will take your eyes off of your provision and put them on your provider. If you are happy living in mediocrity, don't tithe. But if you want to grow your faith, exercise it. Peace to all.

  11. The old covenant tithing law continues to creep into the new covenant churches, and the sheep continue to sleep. This is one more reason I attend a home Bible study. Your tireless efforts to expose the darkness, John, gets a 10!


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