Jireh | Elevation Worship & Maverick City,TRIBL,10 Hours of Original Worship Mob Worship https://youtu.be/QxHm1_q1dLI …


  1. The lord has me on a new career path as a care specialist. I tried to turn and go on my own path, but he convinced me he would be there always. I'm 3 months in and he has made it possible for to finally be able to be financially stable and pursue my longtime goal as a fashion designer. I'm sitting here crying because I've been struggling in the past, and all I had to do was be a faithful servant and let him guide me in his direction so my light could shine as bright as he needed it to

  2. I like it wln pipo testify about God's goodness……lost my job in COVID times, got depressed got countless sleepless nites, I failed to find something interesting in me…..not until I got to listen elevation song called " wait on the lord" & oyitangayo song by Ntaate….thank God I got my job bck after one and a half yr I count my blessings everyday

    He's God that never sleeps

  3. I have been out of a job for 3 years and the great Lord made ways out for all my provisions, my child goes to school every day, the bills are paid and we are sane and healthy. GLORRRRRRY BE THE ONE AND ONLY GOD

  4. Thank God for his mercies they're new every morning and great is his faithfulness I'm struggling with health issues but I'm reminded that God clothes the Lilly so he will see me through every challenge ??

  5. I was homeless , because I was not walking , in the will of , but God put me back in the right. I wanted to lie down and die. But sent an Angel, I didn't see him but He spoke to me Hallelujah ????? I celebrate the Trinity . Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.


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