Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, please intercede for all of us, that we would come to Love Jesus as He Loves us — without limit. Help us to Love Him as He deserves to be Loved, as you Loved Him. ???
I know im going to get bad comments for saying this, but there is something about jim cavaziel that feels "off" … i know he has done great movies and sound of freedom is an eye opener … but after watching ALL of his interviews, he just seems fake. Like he is acting. He forgets Ballard did the q Work and is the true hero and JESUS is the star … but he sure is good at making it about him. The pauses, the wet eyes. On cue everytime.
I love how authentic Jim seems. He’s not afraid to get emotional and speaks from the heart always. He’s definitely a different kind of soul in the way he talks and carry’s himself.
Hollywood isnt gonna turn to out God bc they already have thier own god …. Lucifer… Im not saying that it's nit possible for people to change but these people are in it deep…. They have basically signed thier lives away… Idk i hope im wrong for all their sakes.
It hurts my soul to watch The Passion of the Christ – but its the greatest visual and audible reminder of His unending love for all of God's children ❤?❤
Jesus came to this world incarnate in human flesh, He hunger that's why He starved for 40 days, He thirst that is why He was made to drink a bitter water while hanging on the cross and obviously He feels the pain the same as we humans when we accidentally cut our hands, how much it hurts us just by the small cut. While we are sinners, Imagine the pain and suffering cause by the torment and devour that Jesus have to endure in human flesh while He was Innocent and Pure in order to Save us sinners.
Acquaint Thyself with thy Creator before thy silver cord breaks. Vanity upon vanity says the preacher, all is vanity. How much for your soul when you six feet down the ground? At the other side when you are lost into outer darkness, you will then realize that you had made a poor bargain while upon the face of the dust. How much is your soul really worth? How much for your soul says the impatient Collector, Lucifer. BELIEVE in Jesus and Be Saved today, lest you repent 1 second too late in Hell where the fire rages. Believe in Jesus today, you don't know how much time you've got left
Where will you go when you die? Watch this video to find out:
This guy is great. His love for Jesus is wonderful
Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, please intercede for all of us, that we would come to Love Jesus as He Loves us — without limit. Help us to Love Him as He deserves to be Loved, as you Loved Him. ???
We are only in the early stages of civilisation.
Amen and yes I believe in you lord Jesus Christ ? ? ❤️ ? ♥️ ? ? ? ❤️ ?
Repent and surrender to our lord and savior Jesus Christ the lord our God ??????❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I know im going to get bad comments for saying this, but there is something about jim cavaziel that feels "off" … i know he has done great movies and sound of freedom is an eye opener … but after watching ALL of his interviews, he just seems fake. Like he is acting. He forgets Ballard did the q
Work and is the true hero and JESUS is the star … but he sure is good at making it about him. The pauses, the wet eyes. On cue everytime.
I love how authentic Jim seems. He’s not afraid to get emotional and speaks from the heart always. He’s definitely a different kind of soul in the way he talks and carry’s himself.
Jesus Christ I love you god I love you . amen …
I love you lord God ❤
Bless her Lord ! Jesus christ is coming for his children!
So instead of resurrecting he just showed up as you on the cross for a few minutes ?. Got it
I love Jesus Christ.
Hollywood isnt gonna turn to out God bc they already have thier own god …. Lucifer… Im not saying that it's nit possible for people to change but these people are in it deep…. They have basically signed thier lives away… Idk i hope im wrong for all their sakes.
This made come to tears. This is beautiful amen to this
He’s possessed by a demon now
Jesus Christ Is The Power!✝️?????✊️????
It hurts my soul to watch The Passion of the Christ – but its the greatest visual and audible reminder of His unending love for all of God's children ❤?❤
Beautiful! Love you Jesus! ❤❤❤❤
God bless you Jim Jesus loves you you have done a butiful Jesus on the cross
Jesus came to this world incarnate in human flesh, He hunger that's why He starved for 40 days, He thirst that is why He was made to drink a bitter water while hanging on the cross and obviously He feels the pain the same as we humans when we accidentally cut our hands, how much it hurts us just by the small cut. While we are sinners, Imagine the pain and suffering cause by the torment and devour that Jesus have to endure in human flesh while He was Innocent and Pure in order to Save us sinners.
God was scared that we might not like him….. ok suurre
A serial hallucinator. How stable does he appear to you?
Acquaint Thyself with thy Creator before thy silver cord breaks. Vanity upon vanity says the preacher, all is vanity. How much for your soul when you six feet down the ground? At the other side when you are lost into outer darkness, you will then realize that you had made a poor bargain while upon the face of the dust. How much is your soul really worth? How much for your soul says the impatient Collector, Lucifer.
BELIEVE in Jesus and Be Saved today, lest you repent 1 second too late in Hell where the fire rages. Believe in Jesus today, you don't know how much time you've got left
God bless you
This dude is a fraud. Point blank period
Wow I get chills listening to him talk about Jesus I have my reasons why I believe in Jesus
I can honestly say that I love Jesus, I’m enjoying the life I have been blessed with.
Am what an awesome God. Thank you Jesus.
Crushed to find out he prays to MARY.
Jesus Is God, Jesus Is Love, Jesus Is Power, Amen ?❤️
Jim help please ❤
Have god and you thanks you are a so solded gentleman ??????